Tuesday, June 26, 2007

How Did we Get HERE?!

Back on June 18, we asked about the state of the Archdiocese of San Francisco: "Where are we Going?"

A better question might be "How did we Get HERE?!"

Once again, at least one Catholic parish and Catholic affiliated organizations participated in this year's "Gay Pride" parade, held this past Sunday, in San Francisco.

"Quamdiu Domine?" has video. Be warned, a true recording of the event neccessarily involves obscenity.

"Family Builders by Adoption", the adoption agency that works in partnership with Catholic Charities CYO of San Francisco, also makes an appearance.


Anonymous said...

So Father,

What can we do? Is there someone to write or complain to that would be of any help? What if one lives in a different diocese? Is there something that we can do, aside from praying(which we are already doing)?


Dan H said...

Father, I am a recent came into the church (basically a year old), what a person do about with? Is there someone we can write about our disgust in what was seen in that video?

Anonymous said...

I live in the Diocese of Santa Rosa. While things are not perfect here, I am grateful that we have a bishop who would not condone the open participation by a Catholic parish in a "gay pride" event. What is the problem in San Francisco? The local heirarchy must be either (a) intimidated by the militant homosexuals, or (b) sypathhetic to them, or (c) a little of both. Perhaps it is just me, but it is a scandal that a Catholic parish is allowed to openly flaunt the clear teachings of the Church on this subject. What can one do about this situation that will have some effect?

Struggling Sinner said...

Anonymous, Dan, Anonymous2:

Fr. Malloy is away at meetings this week, but saw your comments.

There will be a PDF of this post, and the more comprehensive June 18 post, uploaded tomorrow (Wed. June 27). This can be printed & mailed out to Archbishop Niederauer & the Nuncio. Also, follow the links on the June 18 story and print them out, too! Anonymous2, it's not "Just you." This is a horrible scandal.

Your brother in Christ,
(Fr. Malloy's secretary)