Friday, April 11, 2008

What's so hard about that?

"Aquinas President Ed Balog canceled the event Thursday, saying the Catholic school cannot endorse a program that directly opposes church teachings.

"I'm not trying to keep people from seeing him. I'm trying to prevent the college from sponsoring an event that displays an attack on Catholic teaching values," Balog said."

Ever notice how easy it is to make yourself understood (even for a University President!) when you're telling the truth?

Read the whole thing

h/t Threshing Grain

1 comment:

Kasia said...


I actually took two philosophy couses from Dr. Corvino during my undergraduate work. He's a very gifted man, and an excellent teacher. It's unfortunate that he's focused his career on attempting to legitimize homosexuality.

My hat is off to that university president. It's not often you see administrators who are willing to take a stand.