Saturday, May 23, 2009

Oregon Children Face Indoctrination, British Churches Face Takeover

From Carl Olsen at Ignatius Insight:

"Children between the ages of 4 and 10 are being "educated" about "diversity" and "tolerance" in the form of an exhibit that includes a photo and description of a "trans-gendered" person. Some parents are confused and upset, and wonder why their first-grader isn't being taught how to spell and why their third-grader still cannot read but knows being "queer" is a beautiful and natural thing. School officials insist it has nothing to do with sex, but is about "respect," and lecture the confused parents through media interviews about the need for children to learn "acceptance." The thinly veiled suggestion is that if parents don't go along with said approach, they are likely homophobic and intolerant. Surprise!"

Meanwhile, in England, forget indoctrination, it's a simple takeover:

"Law 'will force churches to employ gay staff'"

"Religious groups are to be forced to accept homosexual youth workers, secretaries and other staff, even if their faith holds same-sex relationships to be sinful...

Religious leaders had hoped to lobby for exemptions to the Equality Bill but Maria Eagle, the deputy equalities minister, has now indicated that it will cover almost all church employees.

'The circumstances in which religious institutions can practice anything less than full equality are few and far between,' she told delegates at the Faith, Homophobia, Transphobia, & Human Rights conference in London....

A Government Equalities Office spokesman said: 'The Equality Bill will not force a church to accept someone as a priest regardless of their sexual orientation or gender.

Churches, synagogues, mosques and others will continue to have the freedom to choose who they employ in jobs which promote their religion. But where they provide services to the public they will have to treat everyone fairly.'"

The full article is at the Telegraph UK.

h/t New Oxford Review


Anonymous said...

Treat everyone fairly? Really? That sounds ridiculous. I can't believe Jesus hung out with lepers, social outcasts who had no control of their suffering and "condition". Ridiculous.

Gibbons in SF said...

Anonymous 5:59: What's unfair about an organization not hiring a person who does not share the aims of the organization?