Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Kind of like holding a Seder meal after Kristallnacht"

LifeNews is reporting that Notre Dame University has issued a statement affirming "its committee (sic) to the defense of human life in all its stages."

"Consistent with the teaching of the Catholic Church on such issues as abortion, research involving human embryos, euthanasia, the death penalty, and other related life issues, the University of Notre Dame recognizes and upholds the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death."

As a friend said, that's kind of like holding a Seder meal after Kristallnacht.

The support and cover Jenkins and Notre Dame gave to President Obama helped to pass Obamacare with its federally funded abortion. It does not matter what Jenkins or the University say now—the damage has been done.

The critical moment was when Jenkins had a chance to use the Church’s moral authority against the pro-abortion Barack Obama. He didn’t do it--he did the opposite, awarding Obama a platform and an honorary degree, thus paving the way for the Catholic Health Association and those loathsome nuns to sabotage the Bishops and enable the publicly funded killing of the unborn.

As we reported Friday, Jenkins will be the commencement speaker at USF this May. And as we reported in the California Catholic Daily, on March 11 USF hosted a conference showcasing speakers from groups that provide "emergency contraception" (which, depending on the circumstances will be abortion), facilitate and enable abortion, support partial-birth abortion and consider partial-birth abortionist Dr. Paul Tiller to be a hero.

Let's see if Fr. Jenkins will use his forum at the commencement ceremony to condemn the University of San Francisco for hosting those groups. Let's see how genuine his commitment to "recognizing and upholding the sanctity of human life" really is.

Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney

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