In part one, Mr. Fairchild describes his background and experiences in Arabia, and begins to describe what Salafism is. In part two, he expands on Salafism, and on the inadequate conceptual and instrumental response of our government.
Listen here:
Mr. Fairchild is the co-founder of Intrepid Group, LLC. Since 9/11, Mr. Fairchild and his partner have trained over 10,000 US counterterrorism officials on the subject of Islamist terrorism, including officials from CIA, FBI, military special operations, and state and local law enforcement.
Podcasts can be downloaded, too.
Other Reclaiming the Culture shows:
Most Reverend Salvatore Cordileone, Bishop of the Diocese of Oakland: "The Manhattan Declaration: A Call to Christian Conscience"
Father Robert A. Sirico, President, The Acton Institute "The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Service of the Poor"
Dr. Janet Smith, the Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, "The Right to Privacy."
Dr. Maria Fedoryka, Ave Maria University, "The Gift of Woman"
And upcoming on September 14: Father Michael Sweeney, OP, President, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology will discuss "Authentic Catholic Education and the Impact of the Land o' Lakes Conference"