Thursday, February 16, 2012

TONIGHT! Protest Obama Visit/HHS Mandate in San Francisco

President Barack Obama will be visiting San Francisco TODAY. First he will attend a $35,8000 a plate fundraiser in Pacific Heights, then he will make an appearance at the Masonic Auditorium at 1111 California Street on Thursday, February 16. The Masonic Auditorium event begins at 6PM.

Priests, Sisters, Ministers, seminarians, and laity, Catholics and others concerned about his unconscionable violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution, will be gathering at 5:30 PM at Grace Cathedral (across the street from the Masonic Auditorium) to express our opposition to his unconscionable HHS Mandate.

Join us in standing for the church and the Constitution!

Visit the Show President Obama You Support Freedom of Conscience Facebook page for more details:

Directions and a map may be found here:

1 comment:

Starchild said...

Just got back from this protest earlier tonight... there were about 500 people demonstrating outside Obama's appearance at the Masonic Auditorium on Nob Hill, including large numbers of cannabis activists, Tea Partiers, Occupy supporters, Ron Paul supporters, Bradley Manning supporters, and pro-lifers. Quite a diverse cross-section of Americans!

Of course the president was whisked in, in a huge convoy, and didn't dare show his face out on the street. There were a ridiculous amount of cops and security vehicles around. One wonders how much this visit will have cost San Francisco taxpayers, and whether Obama will be reimbursing the city for any of the costs of all this security out of the profits of the $35,800 per plate private dinner that he hosted in Pacific Heights.