Wednesday, September 12, 2018

"There is an intentional and malicious infiltration of the Church for the purpose of destroying her from within"

More than 10 years ago we documented this exact thing in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The very first sentence on reads: "This is a report on the infiltration of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco by homosexual activists."


From LifeSiteNews:

The following is the transcription of the August 19, 2018 homily gi:ven at the Church of St. Raphael in Crystal, Minnesota by Fr. Robert Altier:
‘Predatory’ gays have infiltrated Church, trying to ‘destroy’ her: priest on abuse crisis
In the second reading today St. Paul tells us that we have to make the most of our opportunity because the days are evil. We aren't just simply living in days that are evil, we are living in the days that Isaiah spoke about, the days when they will call evil good and good evil. And we have been brainwashed into thinking that evil things are okay, they're not.
So, from this point forward, what I am about to say is completely politically incorrect and if you have young ears that you don't want to hear it, you may want to take a fifteen-minute walk....
Read the whole thing. 

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