Thursday, July 15, 2010

Self Government Repudiated in Washington DC

Counterfeit marriage can only be sustained by counterfeit arguments. Get this headline from the Washington Post:

Same-sex marriage in District narrowly upheld by D.C. Court of Appeals

But here are the two lead paragraphs to the article:

"The D.C. Court of Appeals narrowly sustained same-sex marriage in the District in a 5 to 4 vote Thursday.

The nine judges were asked to determine whether the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics acted lawfully when it rejected an initiative by opponents of gay marriage to have the matter voted upon in a referendum. The D.C. Council approved same-sex marriage in December."

So "same-sex marriage" was not upheld at all. The headline and first sentence of the article are completely false. What the ruling does is prevent the people of Washington DC from voting on the issue. It is quite possible that the people of DC would have voted to allow counterfeit marriage. And the Post is not alone. Here is the headline from the Christian Science Moniter:

DC's gay marriage law survives court challenge

Again, utter falsehood. Had the Court allowed the people to vote on whether to recognize counterfeit marriage, the law which legalized counterfeit marriage, passed in March, would still be on the books. And again, it is quite possible that the people of DC would have voted to allow counterfeit marriage.

Counterfeit marriage is just that--counterfeit. It has no basis in reality. Hence the ongoing need for intellectual contortions by its supporters.

Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney

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