He played Pope John Paul in the movie--maybe it rubbed off. From BigGovernment.com:
"Join Me in DC Saturday to Stop ObamaCare
by Jon Voight
I am calling to all of you freedom-loving Americans to come once again to Washington D.C. to gather on the Capitol steps on Saturday, at 12 o’clock noon.
We must come by the thousands.

Speaker Pelosi will stop at nothing to fulfill her corrupt conquests. She will bring all of the corrupt ACORN liars to try to bully all the Democrats that may be having pangs of guilt knowing quite surely what their votes can and will do. If they’re bullied into saying “yes,” it will destroy America.
Join me and Rep. Michele Bachmann in Washington DC at 12 noon EST so we can give all the Democrats who know what the end result will be the courage to say: “No, do not pass this destructive bill.”
I’ll see you there." UPDATE: Ed Whelan at National Review compiled this list of Congressmen who must be contacted in order to prevent this montrosity from passing.
“Yes” on Obamacare Last Time but Might Want to Switch:
Gabrielle Giffords, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2542
Ann Kirkpatrick, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2315
Harry Mitchell, (D., Ariz.)—202-225-2190
Vic Snyder, (D., Ariz.) (S)—202-225-2506
Marion Berry, (D., Ark.) (S)—202-225-4076
John Salazar, (D., Colo.) (S)—202-225-4761
Melissa Bean, (D., Ill.) —202-225-3711
Bill Foster, (D., Ill.) —202-225-2976
Joe Donnelly, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-3915
Brad Ellsworth, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-4636
Baron Hill, (D., Ind.) (S) —202-225-5315
Bart Stupak, (D., Mich.) (S) —202-225-4735
Michael Arcuri, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3665
Tim Bishop, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3826
Bob Etheridge, (D., N.C.) (S) —202-225-4531
Earl Pomeroy, (D., N.D.) (S) —202-225-2611
Steve Driehaus, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-2216
Zach Space, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-6265
Charlie Wilson, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-5705
Chris Carney, (D., Pa.) (S) —202-225-3731
Kathleen Dahlkemper, (D., Pa.) (S) —202-225-5406
John Spratt, (D., S.C.) (S) —202-225-5501
Ciro Rodriguez, (D., Texas) (S) —202-225-4511
Solomon Ortiz, (D., Texas) (S) —202-225-7742
Tom Perriello, (D., Va.) (S) —202-225-4711
Alan Mollohan, (D., W.Va.) (S) —202-225-4172
Nick Rahall, (D., W.Va.) (S) —202-225-3452
“No” on Obamacare Last Time but Might Need Encouragement:
Mike Ross, (D., Ark.) (S) —202-225-3772
Betsy Markey, (D., Colo.) —202-225-4676
Allen Boyd, (D., Fla.) —202-225-5235
Suzanne Kosmas, (D., Fla.) —202-225-2706
John Barrow, (D., Ga.) (S) —202-225-2823
John Adler, (D., N.J.) —202-225-4765
Michael McMahon, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-3371
Scott Murphy, (D., N.Y.) —202-225-5614
Larry Kissell, (D., N.C.) —202-225-3715
John Boccieri, (D., Ohio) (S) —202-225-3876
John Tanner, (D., Tenn.) (S) —202-225-4714
Glenn Nye, (D., Va.) —202-225-4215
Brian Baird, (D., Wash.) —202-225-3536
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney