Saturday, May 16, 2009

More Notre Dame: Disgraced and Dishonored

From Diane at Te Deum Laudamus:

"This is probably one of the most exceptional things I have ever seen: Notre Dame has an 80 year old priest arrested on it's campus as he sings Immaculate Mary. There is something ironic that the most pro-abortion president in the history of the United States is welcome on the grounds of a Catholic university under the guise of "dialogue" while an 80 year old priest is arrested for protesting it."

She has video of the arrest as well.

As Bishop Trautman of Erie, PA said:

"The Golden Dome of Notre Dame, the long revered symbol of a Catholic university,
will be disgraced and dishonored on this coming May 17th, the commencement day of the

They are disgraced and dishonored already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't there some prophecy somewhere that says - Good will be seen as evil... and evil will be seen as good?

What is going to happen to our hero Father Frank Povone? Is he going to go ahead and pray tomorrow on campus as planned?