Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Vanity and Compromise"

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver spoke at the American Bible Society in New York today. As usual His Excellency was excellent, and his message cuts uncomfortably close to home.

From the Catholic News Agency:

Archbishop Chaput: Media culture and compromise undermining Christian life

"Archbishop of Denver Charles J. Chaput exhorted Catholics to follow the example of St. Paul by understanding their own times and being “possessed by the God of Truth.” Stressing the need to recognize the impact mass media has on thought and action, he warned that Catholics are losing the habits on which they have traditionally relied because of “vanity and compromise....”

"The habit of 'vanity and compromise' is what is at work in the University of Notre Dame’s decision to honor President Obama at commencement, the archbishop remarked. Though 'a sincere and able man,' the president’s views on life issues 'run directly against Catholic belief.”
“And a Catholic institution should not honor that kind of behavior,' he said.

While human sinfulness is always present, the archbishop said, 'What’s new about our current moment is that too many Christians have made peace with that sinfulness, baptized it with the language of personal conscience, and stopped trying to convert anybody -- including themselves.'"

Emphasis added.

What a good shepherd!

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