Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Archbishop Nienstadt Denies Communion to Homoactivists

Good for him.


Tom Peters has a poll where you can let the good Archbishop know you support him.


Uncle Di's analysis is unbetterable:

"Let’s see. You reject certain Church teachings that have political implications. You wear an emblem that identifies you as someone who rejects those Church teachings that have political implications. You attend a Mass celebrated by a bishop who has recently affirmed those Church teachings that have political implications. You announce your plans to challenge him on those teachings that have political implications.

But you don’t challenge the bishop to a public debate on the political implications. No; you plan to create a confrontation during the Mass. As he distributes Holy Communion you make sure that you’re in his line, to challenge him. When he refuses to administer the Blessed Sacrament to you, you contact the media.

And what do you say?

'Jesus didn't play politics with communion,' Harry Knox, the HRC's religion and faith program director, said Tuesday in a statement from his office in Washington, D.C.

Good point, Harry. Jesus didn’t play politics with Communion. Neither did Archbishop Nienstedt. You and your friends did."

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