Thursday, October 28, 2010

Holy Father and Archbishop Burke On Abortion and Voting

And both are totally on the same page.

From CNS (via Catholic Vote):

Pope Benedict told the Brazilian bishops that while direct involvement in politics is the responsibility of the laity, "when the fundamental rights of the person or the salvation of souls requires it, pastors have a serious duty to make moral judgments even in political matters."

Certain actions and political policies, such as abortion and euthanasia, are "intrinsically evil and incompatible with human dignity" and cannot be justified for any reason, the pope said....

"When political positions openly or covertly include plans to decriminalize abortion and euthanasia, the democratic ideal -- which is truly democratic only when it acknowledges and safeguards the dignity of every human person -- is betrayed at its foundations," Pope Benedict told the bishops.

Bishops and priests have an obligation to help Catholic laity live in a way that that is faithful to the Gospel in every aspect of their lives, including their political choices, he said. "This also means that in certain cases, pastors should remind all citizens of their right and duty to use their vote to promote the common good," the pope said.


And from Catholic World News:

Never vote for a candidate who supports abortion: Archbishop Burke

"Catholic voters have a 'very serious' moral duty to use their ballots to defend the natural law, says Archbishop Raymund Burke.

In an interview with Catholic Action, conducted shortly after the announcement that he would be elevated to the College of Cardinals in November, the former Archbishop of St. Louis said flatly that one 'can never vote for someone who favors absolutely the right to choice of a woman to destroy a human life in her womb or the right to a procured abortion.'"

The interview may be seen at Catholic Action for Faith and Family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Standing for the correct principles of God at a time when they are so unpopular is crucial. More people need to solidly hold a level of moral conviction, regardless of the consequences. I'm glad that the Mormon and Catholic churches haven't been riding the wave of changing views to keep up with degrading standards. God and his truths will always win in the end.