Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stupak's Opponent Dr. Dan Benishek

has what may be the fastest growing Facebook page in history.

About 1200, (oops 1,300, oops 1,500 and counting) people from all over the country are begging him to get an online donation button up. Would not want to be in Congressman Stupak's shoes.

UPDATE: Dr. Benishek's Facebook page has cracked 2,000 members. Sample comment:

"I live in Hawaii but I'm sending you my check today. Stupak must go. Please help us take back our beloved country."

UPDATE II (501: PST): The Benishek Facbook page now has gone over 5,000 members. Prediction: when they get a "donate" function up, Stupak's opponent will pick up $500,000-$1,000,000 right away.

UPDATE III (5:54 PST): Dr. Benishek says a donation link will be up tomorrow. His Facebook page now has over 6,400 members. says Stupak only raised $602,000 for the 2009-10 campaign season. Benishek will top that in 24 hours.

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