We point out that A Shepherd's Voice nailed this Cahill as an enemy of the Church years ago, when some of the Bishops whom he now attacks (he attacks all of them, since they have all opposed Obama's mandate) were perfectly happy with him, employed him, supported him, and attended his going away party.
We won't rehash Cahill's misdeeds here (follow the second link above for an exhaustive list)--suffice it to say they included honoring big-time abortion supporters, contributing money in support of counterfeit marriage and in opposition to Proposition 8, and allowing transvestites to "entertain" at CCCYO events. And who can forget the "gay adoptions" fiasco:
"It was under Mr. Cahill’s leadership that Catholic Charities embarked on the ill-advised “partnership” with Family Builders by Adoption -- 'the gayest adoption agency in the country.' That three-year partnership, which came to an end in 2009, united Catholic Charities with an organization that thought it was a good idea to advertise for gay adoptive 'dads' on the 'leather' and 'porn' pages of San Francisco’s two homosexual-oriented newspapers. The ad campaign, exposed by CalCatholic, was so outrageous that even the city government of San Francisco realized it had to shut it down."
UPDATE: And perfectly, on March 21, 2012, Cahill will be the Lenten Vespers speaker at (where else?) San Francisco's Most Holy Redeemer Church.
1 comment:
Hello dear friends:
Pray for us and please Help - below please find this editorial published feb 21 in our San Francisco paper as you will see it has caused numerous responses. To date, still nothing from the Archdiocese correcting his terrible letter filled with false statements.
Brian Cahill, clearly, a self excommunicated catholic and did this years ago to himself during the over 25 yrs collecting a pay check from ADSF or charities associated with the church. He continues to campaign for contraception, the belief that personal opinion trumps the holy see doctrine, and same sex unions - just to name a few uses of his free will.
In nov 2008 - at the Interfaith breakfast he declared in front of me to Mayor Gavin Newsom - a practical high five for calling our AB and all who support marriage between a man and a women biggots. When I reported this grave error to him - he brushed me off as an idiot -- a simpleton.
Again NOTHING so far out of the office rebutting this abominable opinion. Brian Cahill approved same sex couples adopting with written permission from a priest Father McElroy and he recently retired with full benefits and a pension along with a great big party in his honor.
I love Jesus and his church - I am exhausted from sadness when I think of all the thousands of souls stuck in purgatory or hell. THE little response from the priests here is so sad - because they have been beaten down by people like Brian Cahill. Where is the worry of horror from what we have allowed to happen here.
I quit the catholic industry of poverty peace and social justice programs CCHD and SVD here because beating my head against the wall asking that people repent and return to the gospels never worked.
Does anyone care? Please read this, try not to be sick and pray!
May the Lord be my witness that I will continue working with him to live the gospel
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