Friday, September 12, 2008

For Whom Should I Vote?

I came across this quote from an article in today's California Catholic Daily News:

“Our Moral Responsibility as Catholic Citizens” Joint Pastoral Letter – September 8, 2008
Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann, Archbishop of Kansas City in Kansas
Most Reverend Robert W. Finn, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph

Could a Catholic in good conscience vote for a candidate who supports legalized abortion when there is a choice of another candidate who does not support abortion or any other intrinsically evil policy? Could a voter’s preference for the candidate’s positions on the pursuit of peace, economic policies benefiting the poor, support for universal health care, a more just immigration policy, etc. overcome a candidate’s support for legalized abortion? In such a case, the Catholic voter must ask and answer the question: What could possibly be a proportionate reason for the more than 45 million children killed by abortion in the past 35 years? Personally, we cannot conceive of such a proportionate reason.

The whole article can be found in the Sept. 12 issue of the California Catholic Daily News.

1 comment:

jack malloy said...

Here's an interesting answer to "Whom should I vote?"