The unbelievably sleazy and dangerous tactics of Wisconsins's public sector unions, as they seek to keep the people of Wisconsin under their thumb. Actually, it's not unbelievable at all, but par for the course for 20th/21st century statist bureaucracies, whether communist, socialist, fascist.
From National Review:
"The Left long ago stopped pretending that court proceedings were anything other than exercises in raw-power politics, and so they’ve taken their fight against Wisconsin governor Scott Walker to the state supreme court — not in the form of a lawsuit, but in the form of a multimillion-dollar intervention into an election to a ten-year term on the court.
Wisconsin supreme court justice David Prosser went to bed one night a respected former prosecutor, and woke up the next morning the target of a $3 million union-run smear campaign, falsely accused of being an enabler of pedophiles. That is what you get when you oppose the political machine that has been fleecing taxpayers in Wisconsin and elsewhere for a generation. Or, as in the case of Justice Prosser, when they suspect you might merely stand in their way and do your job."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Priest asks "What is Marriage?"
and Equality Matters goes into a tizzy. Here's another good video, this time from Fr. John Hallowell, teaching his class.
This is good to see. For more video of Fr. Hollowell teaching, go here.
h/t LifeSiteNews.
This is good to see. For more video of Fr. Hollowell teaching, go here.
h/t LifeSiteNews.
Videos from the First Annual Walk4Life SoCal
Here are some nice videos from Sunday's Walk4Life SoCal, featuring Lila Rose and our dear friend Pastor Walter Hoye--and thousands of dedicated pro-lifers. A great day!
You can see more video and pictures at
You can see more video and pictures at
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Libya Policy Hitches Us with Jihadists
Four days ago, counter-terrorism expert Brian Fairchild of the Intrepid Group, pointed out something that is becoming increasingly obvious: the "side" we are supporting in Libya includes anti-American Jihadists. He offers quite a bit of evidence.
Eastern Libya’s Tribes, Jihadism: Did U.S. Consider Its Own Libya Intel?
"I believe most Americans support military actions that protect the vital interests of the United States. Major American military initiatives, however, especially those involving the military invasion of a Muslim country in the era of the global jihad, have consequences and should only be taken because our vital strategic interests are at stake.
Thus far, no vital American strategic interests regarding Libya have been stated. Rather, official government policy appears to be designed to get rid of Gaddafi because he’s a tyrant, and to protect Libyan citizens on humanitarian grounds.
Our policymakers seem to believe that once this mission is accomplished some benign coalition of pro-democratic leaders will arise and take command, and all will be well.
There seems to be a huge general assumption that anti-Gaddafi forces are pro-American forces that should be armed and organized by the United States, but as you will see below there is documentary proof that at least some of the anti-Gaddafi forces are anti-American and pro-jihadist."
And now, from the March 27 Daily Telegraph we learn that al-Qaeda forces
Eastern Libya’s Tribes, Jihadism: Did U.S. Consider Its Own Libya Intel?
"I believe most Americans support military actions that protect the vital interests of the United States. Major American military initiatives, however, especially those involving the military invasion of a Muslim country in the era of the global jihad, have consequences and should only be taken because our vital strategic interests are at stake.
Thus far, no vital American strategic interests regarding Libya have been stated. Rather, official government policy appears to be designed to get rid of Gaddafi because he’s a tyrant, and to protect Libyan citizens on humanitarian grounds.
Our policymakers seem to believe that once this mission is accomplished some benign coalition of pro-democratic leaders will arise and take command, and all will be well.
There seems to be a huge general assumption that anti-Gaddafi forces are pro-American forces that should be armed and organized by the United States, but as you will see below there is documentary proof that at least some of the anti-Gaddafi forces are anti-American and pro-jihadist."
Andy McCarthy is on the same wavelenght as Mr. Fairchild:
"The Libyan mujahideen will exploit us but never befriend us. If they succeed, so be it. But we have no vital interest in orchestrating that success, even if it would mean a thug like Qaddafi finally gets his just deserts. If we empower them, we will eventually rue the day."
And now, from the March 27 Daily Telegraph we learn that al-Qaeda forces
"...who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime."
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Holy See Stresses Moral Dimension of Sexuality
The Holy See is underlining the moral dimension of sexuality, affirming the freedom of the person in acting in this realm.
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, permanent representative of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, stated this Tuesday at the 16th Session of the Human Rights Council on "sexual orientation."
"The Holy See wishes to affirm its deeply held belief that human sexuality is a gift that is genuinely expressed in the complete and lifelong mutual devotion of a man and a woman in marriage," the prelate said.He noted that "human sexuality, like any voluntary activity, possesses a moral dimension.""It is an activity which puts the individual will at the service of a finality," the archbishop stated. "It is not an 'identity.'"
"In other words," he clarified, "it comes from the action and not from the being, even though some tendencies or 'sexual orientations' may have deep roots in the personality."
"Denying the moral dimension of sexuality leads to denying the freedom of the person in this matter, and undermines ultimately his/her ontological dignity," Archbishop Tomasi warned.He noted that "this belief about human nature is also shared by many other faith communities, and by other persons of conscience.
"The prelate underlined "a disturbing trend in some of these social debates: People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behavior between people of the same sex."He observed: "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature, which may also be expressions of religious convictions, or state opinions about scientific claims, they are stigmatized, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted."These attacks contradict the fundamental principles announced in three of the council's resolutions of this session."
The archbishop concluded, "The truth is, these attacks are violations of fundamental human rights, and cannot be justified under any circumstances."
Against Undermining the Dignity of the Person
GENEVA, Switzerland, MARCH 24, 2011 (
Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, permanent representative of the Holy See to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, stated this Tuesday at the 16th Session of the Human Rights Council on "sexual orientation."
"The Holy See wishes to affirm its deeply held belief that human sexuality is a gift that is genuinely expressed in the complete and lifelong mutual devotion of a man and a woman in marriage," the prelate said.He noted that "human sexuality, like any voluntary activity, possesses a moral dimension.""It is an activity which puts the individual will at the service of a finality," the archbishop stated. "It is not an 'identity.'"
"In other words," he clarified, "it comes from the action and not from the being, even though some tendencies or 'sexual orientations' may have deep roots in the personality."
"Denying the moral dimension of sexuality leads to denying the freedom of the person in this matter, and undermines ultimately his/her ontological dignity," Archbishop Tomasi warned.He noted that "this belief about human nature is also shared by many other faith communities, and by other persons of conscience.
"The prelate underlined "a disturbing trend in some of these social debates: People are being attacked for taking positions that do not support sexual behavior between people of the same sex."He observed: "When they express their moral beliefs or beliefs about human nature, which may also be expressions of religious convictions, or state opinions about scientific claims, they are stigmatized, and worse -- they are vilified, and prosecuted."These attacks contradict the fundamental principles announced in three of the council's resolutions of this session."
The archbishop concluded, "The truth is, these attacks are violations of fundamental human rights, and cannot be justified under any circumstances."
Against Undermining the Dignity of the Person
GENEVA, Switzerland, MARCH 24, 2011 (
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
ARCUS Funded Poll Finds 43% of Catholics Support Counterfeit Marriage
Last week, Thomas Peters at published an article called "Who is funding the coordinated attempt to subvert the Church’s teaching on homosexuality and marriage?" The article began:
"Pro-gay-marriage billionaires and foundations are behind an organized effort to sow dissent and confusion among Catholics on the issues of homosexuality, marriage and family. And the first step to stopping them is knowing what we’re up against."
Peters then listed a number of groups receiving funding from the Arcus Foundation. The public mission of the Arcus Foundation is “to advance LGBT equality.” Funded groups included New Ways Ministry ($93,345), Dignity USA ($256,000), and the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce ($152,625), all of whom received funding from the Arcus Foundation. The programs receiving these grants all involved undercutting the Church's teaching on natural marriage.
This week the Public Religion Research Institute released a poll showing, as their press release said "Catholics are more supportive of gay and lesbian rights than the general public and other Christians, according to a new report released today." The first text, right after the title, is the "Acknowledgements" which says:
"PRRI would like to express our deep gratitude to the foundations who made this report possible. Major funding for this report comes from the Arcus Foundation..."
Of course, a poll's findings are not necessarily invalidated because of who the funder is. But a writer named Timothy Kincaid, writing in the homosexualist website Box Turtle Bulletin, felt compelled to offer a disclaimer before offering his analysis of a similar PRRI poll published in July of 2010. Mr. Kincaid wrote "PRRI is a progressive organization and the survey was funded by strong supporters of our community, so we must be cautious to look for bias." That's fair enough.
In fact the July, 2010 poll, which analyzed voting patterns among California Catholics, and this week's PRRI poll, which examines attitudes in other states as well, show the same thing: Protestants are opposed to same-sex "marriage" at higher rates than Catholics.
PRRI's 2010 California poll was covered in California Catholic Daily:
"What the poll showed is that Protestants are much more in line with Church teaching on the issue of marriage than are Catholics themselves. Those disturbing results beg the question: What is the Church in California teaching its flock?
While there are some unambiguous hierarchical voices on the issue, such as Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, effective Church teaching happens at the parish level. The poll reported: 'The messages about homosexuality that Californians hear at their place of worship are correlated with their views on same-sex marriage. Among Californians who report hearing negative messages from their clergy, few (19%) support same-sex marriage. In striking contrast, among Californians who report hearing positive messages from their clergy, fully 6 in 10 say gay and lesbian people should be allowed to marry…'
In other words, when the pastor speaks out for or against same-sex 'marriage,' the congregation listens. So why do Protestants support Catholic teaching on marriage at higher rates than Catholics themselves? The poll found: 'Protestants are significantly more likely to hear about the issue than Catholics; this is true both for white Catholics and Latino Catholics.'”
This week's poll shows the same thing. From the Executive Summary of the poll:
"Compared to the general church-going public, Catholics are significantly less likely to hear about the issue of homosexuality from their clergy, but those who do are much more likely to hear negative messages. Only about 1-in-4 (27%) Catholics who attend church services regularly say their clergy speak about the issue of homosexuality, but nearly two-thirds (63%) of this group say the messages they hear are negative."
Emphasis in original. That 27% number contrasts with 41% of all Americans who attend church regularly and who report hearing the issue of homosexuality discussed from the pulpit. And since the 41% number is skewed by the mere 27% of Catholics hearing about the issue, the percentage of members of other denominations hearing about homosexuality when they go to church will be considerably higher than 41%.
Three things jump out at me from this story.
First, many of our Catholic pastors are not doing their jobs.
Second, any poll about same-sex "marriage" will be unreliable. Elections have shown that there is always a far higher number opposed to counterfeit "marriage" than polls show, due to the unfortunate habit of homosexualist activists of labelling those who oppose same sex marriage as bigots.
And third, remember that $93,345 grant given by the Arcus Foundation to New Ways Ministry ? It's purpose was to "educate Maryland’s Catholic laity and lawmakers about marriage equality." Well, on March 11, against all expectation, Maryland's overwhelmingly Democratic House repudiated the bill which would have legalized same-sex "marriage" in the state. Money cannot buy everything.
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
"Pro-gay-marriage billionaires and foundations are behind an organized effort to sow dissent and confusion among Catholics on the issues of homosexuality, marriage and family. And the first step to stopping them is knowing what we’re up against."
Peters then listed a number of groups receiving funding from the Arcus Foundation. The public mission of the Arcus Foundation is “to advance LGBT equality.” Funded groups included New Ways Ministry ($93,345), Dignity USA ($256,000), and the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce ($152,625), all of whom received funding from the Arcus Foundation. The programs receiving these grants all involved undercutting the Church's teaching on natural marriage.
This week the Public Religion Research Institute released a poll showing, as their press release said "Catholics are more supportive of gay and lesbian rights than the general public and other Christians, according to a new report released today." The first text, right after the title, is the "Acknowledgements" which says:
"PRRI would like to express our deep gratitude to the foundations who made this report possible. Major funding for this report comes from the Arcus Foundation..."
Of course, a poll's findings are not necessarily invalidated because of who the funder is. But a writer named Timothy Kincaid, writing in the homosexualist website Box Turtle Bulletin, felt compelled to offer a disclaimer before offering his analysis of a similar PRRI poll published in July of 2010. Mr. Kincaid wrote "PRRI is a progressive organization and the survey was funded by strong supporters of our community, so we must be cautious to look for bias." That's fair enough.
In fact the July, 2010 poll, which analyzed voting patterns among California Catholics, and this week's PRRI poll, which examines attitudes in other states as well, show the same thing: Protestants are opposed to same-sex "marriage" at higher rates than Catholics.
PRRI's 2010 California poll was covered in California Catholic Daily:
"What the poll showed is that Protestants are much more in line with Church teaching on the issue of marriage than are Catholics themselves. Those disturbing results beg the question: What is the Church in California teaching its flock?
While there are some unambiguous hierarchical voices on the issue, such as Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, effective Church teaching happens at the parish level. The poll reported: 'The messages about homosexuality that Californians hear at their place of worship are correlated with their views on same-sex marriage. Among Californians who report hearing negative messages from their clergy, few (19%) support same-sex marriage. In striking contrast, among Californians who report hearing positive messages from their clergy, fully 6 in 10 say gay and lesbian people should be allowed to marry…'
In other words, when the pastor speaks out for or against same-sex 'marriage,' the congregation listens. So why do Protestants support Catholic teaching on marriage at higher rates than Catholics themselves? The poll found: 'Protestants are significantly more likely to hear about the issue than Catholics; this is true both for white Catholics and Latino Catholics.'”
This week's poll shows the same thing. From the Executive Summary of the poll:
"Compared to the general church-going public, Catholics are significantly less likely to hear about the issue of homosexuality from their clergy, but those who do are much more likely to hear negative messages. Only about 1-in-4 (27%) Catholics who attend church services regularly say their clergy speak about the issue of homosexuality, but nearly two-thirds (63%) of this group say the messages they hear are negative."
Emphasis in original. That 27% number contrasts with 41% of all Americans who attend church regularly and who report hearing the issue of homosexuality discussed from the pulpit. And since the 41% number is skewed by the mere 27% of Catholics hearing about the issue, the percentage of members of other denominations hearing about homosexuality when they go to church will be considerably higher than 41%.
Three things jump out at me from this story.
First, many of our Catholic pastors are not doing their jobs.
Second, any poll about same-sex "marriage" will be unreliable. Elections have shown that there is always a far higher number opposed to counterfeit "marriage" than polls show, due to the unfortunate habit of homosexualist activists of labelling those who oppose same sex marriage as bigots.
And third, remember that $93,345 grant given by the Arcus Foundation to New Ways Ministry ? It's purpose was to "educate Maryland’s Catholic laity and lawmakers about marriage equality." Well, on March 11, against all expectation, Maryland's overwhelmingly Democratic House repudiated the bill which would have legalized same-sex "marriage" in the state. Money cannot buy everything.
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Good News from the "Walk for India's Missing Girls"

Here is a Facebook posting from Dr. Harkesh Sandhu, a Staff Physician at the Department of Veteran's Affairs, and a participant at the Walk:
"People wonder if it make any impact doing rallies- walks about Female foeticide in these countries....YES IT DOES....It did to a Baby girl who will be born in later half of this year.....A Third daughter of a North American couple who were on verge of aborting, but watching & listening to our presentations & walks across the world they changed mind . Thank you my HERO's...One couple at a time...We can do it.. "
You can learn more about the terrible problem of female infanticide and abortion by going to And Petals in the Dust is hosting a fundraiser on May 14, 2011, from 6PM to 9PM at theStarr King Room First Universalist Unitarian Center at 187 Franklin Street in San Francisco.
Tickets and more info here.
Prop 8 Plaintiffs Frivolous Motion Denied
The Plaintiff's had asked the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month to lift its suspension of a federal judge's August 2010 ruling that declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional, and to allow counterfeit "marriages" to be held in California while the appeals process continues.
The great Ed Whelan is on the case, but the motion hardly merited his talents:
"Sparing the Supreme Court the bother of reversing it, the Ninth Circuit panel in the Prop 8 appeal has denied the Prop 8 plaintiffs’ frivolous motion to vacate the stay pending appeal of Judge Walker’s anti-Prop 8 ruling. More succinctly: the previous stay of Judge Walker’s ruling (granted by the Ninth Circuit motions panel) remains in effect."
Mr. Whelan had already dissected the motion back on March 2.
The great Ed Whelan is on the case, but the motion hardly merited his talents:
"Sparing the Supreme Court the bother of reversing it, the Ninth Circuit panel in the Prop 8 appeal has denied the Prop 8 plaintiffs’ frivolous motion to vacate the stay pending appeal of Judge Walker’s anti-Prop 8 ruling. More succinctly: the previous stay of Judge Walker’s ruling (granted by the Ninth Circuit motions panel) remains in effect."
Mr. Whelan had already dissected the motion back on March 2.
Inspiring: The Salesians in Ecuador
Excerpts of the text versions are below:
Ecuadoran Family Finds Refuge With Salesians
Larry Abramson and Marisa Peñaloza
Maribel Olmedo sits in her house, surrounded by some of her children, including Hamilton (from left), 16, Jonathan, 12, Pierina, 2, and Jose, 1. The family struggles to make ends meet, but Olmedo says she is grateful her children are alive.
Larry Abramson and Marisa Peñaloza
Maribel Olmedo sits in her house, surrounded by some of her children, including Hamilton (from left), 16, Jonathan, 12, Pierina, 2, and Jose, 1. The family struggles to make ends meet, but Olmedo says she is grateful her children are alive.
Maribel Olmedo doesn't complain about life, even though life has not been kind. She doesn't ask for much, either. "My only dream is to set up a food business at home," Olmedo says.
In many developing countries, urbanization is leading to a huge problem — a rapid growth in the number of street children. They often flee their homes to escape abuse or just to earn extra money. Social services agencies have had limited success dealing with the problem because there are so many causes, from domestic violence to poverty.
From the front step of Segunda Ayobi's cinder block house, you can't escape the strong smell of trash and other waste that collects in a nearby estuary. Nearby, tough-looking young men glare at any strangers who cross their turf. Ayobi says this is not an easy place to raise a child...
"We have a lot of kids in the neighborhood who get involved in drugs — 13- to 14-year-olds," Ayobi says. "And I was very concerned about that."
A couple of years ago, Ayobi was worried about her son Mario, who was just 13 then. With her limited income from selling home-cooked food, there wasn't much money around the house....
Ayobi turned to a Catholic order that has taken a special interest in the plight of street children: the Salesians."
God Bless these Sons of Don Bosco!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
"Modern Europe that has lost its religious, moral and cultural roots"

"Orthodox and Catholics face the same challenges cast by modern epoch to the traditional life style. Here it's not the matter of theological issues, but present and future of human community is in question. It's the sphere where Orthodox and Catholic can cooperate without any harm to their church identity," the hierarch said.
He called this form of interaction "a strategic alliance."
It includes joint efforts taken to affirm in society Christian ideas of family, marriage, bringing up children, value of human life from conception to death. Other direction of possible interaction which becomes more actual is "protection of Christians from discrimination," the hierarch said."
We have been quite impressed by the young Most Reverend Hilarion. He gave a wonderful address in England last September, which we posted on.
Monday, March 21, 2011
"The gift of a few more months together"

Photo courtesy LifeNews.
Patrick Craine at LifeSiteNews has an update on the case of Baby Joseph Maraachli:
ST. LOUIS, Missouri, March 21, 2011 ( - Joseph Maraachli, who had been set to have his ventilator removed against his parents’ wishes at an Ontario hospital last month, received a tracheotomy Monday morning and is doing well, says his family.
His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, took Joseph to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri last Sunday after trying unsuccessfully to get him the simple procedure at his Ontario hospital, London Health Sciences Centre.
The surgery involves a slit in the throat to allow a breathing tube to be inserted into the airway. The tube allows for suction of fluid out of the lungs, creates a safe and stable way to use a mechanical ventilator, and is more comfortable for the child.
The parents have been asking for this procedure in hopes that they could take Joseph home. The Maraachli’s daughter Zina died from a similar neurological disorder eight years ago, and in that case the family took her home after doctors performed the simple procedure. They now want the same for Joseph.
In a statement today, Cardinal Glennon hospital said that Joseph is currently in the pediatric intensive care unit, “where tracheotomy patients routinely spend 7 to 10 days following the procedure.
“After he is discharged from SSM Cardinal Glennon, Joseph will travel to Ranken Jordan - A pediatric specialty hospital in St. Louis before being transported to his family home in Windsor,” said the hospital. “It is our hope that this procedure will allow Joseph and his family the gift of a few more months together and that Joseph may be more comfortable with a permanent tracheotomy.”
ST. LOUIS, Missouri, March 21, 2011 ( - Joseph Maraachli, who had been set to have his ventilator removed against his parents’ wishes at an Ontario hospital last month, received a tracheotomy Monday morning and is doing well, says his family.
His parents, Moe Maraachli and Sana Nader, took Joseph to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in St. Louis, Missouri last Sunday after trying unsuccessfully to get him the simple procedure at his Ontario hospital, London Health Sciences Centre.
The surgery involves a slit in the throat to allow a breathing tube to be inserted into the airway. The tube allows for suction of fluid out of the lungs, creates a safe and stable way to use a mechanical ventilator, and is more comfortable for the child.
The parents have been asking for this procedure in hopes that they could take Joseph home. The Maraachli’s daughter Zina died from a similar neurological disorder eight years ago, and in that case the family took her home after doctors performed the simple procedure. They now want the same for Joseph.
In a statement today, Cardinal Glennon hospital said that Joseph is currently in the pediatric intensive care unit, “where tracheotomy patients routinely spend 7 to 10 days following the procedure.
“After he is discharged from SSM Cardinal Glennon, Joseph will travel to Ranken Jordan - A pediatric specialty hospital in St. Louis before being transported to his family home in Windsor,” said the hospital. “It is our hope that this procedure will allow Joseph and his family the gift of a few more months together and that Joseph may be more comfortable with a permanent tracheotomy.”
Let us continue to pray for the whole Maraachli family, and give thank for all the pro-life heroes whose work has allowed this to happen.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
"Are you wearing your bulletproof vest?"

20 Days of Left-Wing Thuggery in Wisconsin: a compilation at Big Government.
The fist logo seems rather apropos.
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Friday, March 18, 2011
Crazy: Funnel Cloud in San Francisco
From this morning. I'm a native and lifelong resident, and this is a first for me:
Wow. It looks like this guy's house is in Golden Gate Heights in the Sunset District, looking (obviously) west.
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Wow. It looks like this guy's house is in Golden Gate Heights in the Sunset District, looking (obviously) west.
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Terrible: Molotov Cocktail Thrown at Elderly "40 Days" Lady
From Christian Newswire:
"The Thomas More Society, acting on behalf of 40 Days for Life, a national campaign that sponsors peaceable pro-life prayer vigils outside abortion provider sites world-wide, has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Office in Helena, Montana. The Thomas More Society is calling for an immediate, intensive investigation of a vicious fire-bombing attack on a pro-lifer that occurred March 17, 2011 at around 6:15 p.m. near the All Family Health Care abortion center in Kalispell, Montana.
Karen Trierweiler, coordinator of the 40 Days prayer vigils in Kalispell, said that a homemade incendiary device was thrown at one of the vigil participants, an elderly retired woman, by an assailant -- as yet unidentified -- as she walked on the public sidewalk near the abortion provider's premises. The victim did not see the bomb-thrower, nor did she see the bomb -- akin to a "Molotov cocktail" -- before it exploded on the sidewalk behind her, making a loud popping noise like a big firecracker as it burst into flame. Apparently the victim was unhurt.
Regaining her composure, the victim called Ms. Trierweiler to the scene, and she called the police. After a lengthy delay, a Kalispell police officer arrived. But instead of inspecting the bomb debris or calling evidence technicians to the scene, the officer remarked that police could never get prints or other evidence from the bomb's remains, and that he would call the city's garbage service to dispose of all the debris. Then he said that the 40 Days prayer vigil participants should expect this kind of reaction if they're out there protesting. Questioning Officer Hoover's assessment of the attack, Ms. Trierweiler called the Kalispell desk sergeant to complain, where she was unable to get further assistance.
Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, said, "We are appalled by this terrible act of violence, while we're immensely grateful that God's grace spared this valiant pro-lifer any serious injury. But the reaction of Kalispell police officers after Ms. Trierweiler called them to the scene was equally appalling, indeed outrageous. We intend to file disciplinary complaints against both the officer who came to the crime scene and the desk sergeant whose tepid, indifferent, and grossly unprofessional response to this blatant act of domestic terrorism shows them both unfit to wear a police uniform and at best deserving of severe disciplinary action. We expect much better from the FBI and we will pursue the matter to the very highest levels of the U.S. Department of Justice if this case is not investigated promptly and vigorously and -- once the assailant is identified and apprehended -- prosecuted to the hilt," Brejcha concluded.
Ms. Trierweiler also reported that an eyewitness has stepped forward, who was not part of the 40 Days campaign but rather a passerby, who saw the incident occur and who may be able to help the FBI track down the bomb thrower and bring him to justice.
"The Thomas More Society, acting on behalf of 40 Days for Life, a national campaign that sponsors peaceable pro-life prayer vigils outside abortion provider sites world-wide, has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Field Office in Helena, Montana. The Thomas More Society is calling for an immediate, intensive investigation of a vicious fire-bombing attack on a pro-lifer that occurred March 17, 2011 at around 6:15 p.m. near the All Family Health Care abortion center in Kalispell, Montana.
Karen Trierweiler, coordinator of the 40 Days prayer vigils in Kalispell, said that a homemade incendiary device was thrown at one of the vigil participants, an elderly retired woman, by an assailant -- as yet unidentified -- as she walked on the public sidewalk near the abortion provider's premises. The victim did not see the bomb-thrower, nor did she see the bomb -- akin to a "Molotov cocktail" -- before it exploded on the sidewalk behind her, making a loud popping noise like a big firecracker as it burst into flame. Apparently the victim was unhurt.
Regaining her composure, the victim called Ms. Trierweiler to the scene, and she called the police. After a lengthy delay, a Kalispell police officer arrived. But instead of inspecting the bomb debris or calling evidence technicians to the scene, the officer remarked that police could never get prints or other evidence from the bomb's remains, and that he would call the city's garbage service to dispose of all the debris. Then he said that the 40 Days prayer vigil participants should expect this kind of reaction if they're out there protesting. Questioning Officer Hoover's assessment of the attack, Ms. Trierweiler called the Kalispell desk sergeant to complain, where she was unable to get further assistance.
Tom Brejcha, president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, said, "We are appalled by this terrible act of violence, while we're immensely grateful that God's grace spared this valiant pro-lifer any serious injury. But the reaction of Kalispell police officers after Ms. Trierweiler called them to the scene was equally appalling, indeed outrageous. We intend to file disciplinary complaints against both the officer who came to the crime scene and the desk sergeant whose tepid, indifferent, and grossly unprofessional response to this blatant act of domestic terrorism shows them both unfit to wear a police uniform and at best deserving of severe disciplinary action. We expect much better from the FBI and we will pursue the matter to the very highest levels of the U.S. Department of Justice if this case is not investigated promptly and vigorously and -- once the assailant is identified and apprehended -- prosecuted to the hilt," Brejcha concluded.
Ms. Trierweiler also reported that an eyewitness has stepped forward, who was not part of the 40 Days campaign but rather a passerby, who saw the incident occur and who may be able to help the FBI track down the bomb thrower and bring him to justice.
To share your concerns with the Kalispell police department contact Chief Roger Nasset at
Adult Stem-Cell Update: Heart Attack Damage Reversed
You can read the American Heart Association's press release on the treatment here.
From Fierce Biotech Research:
"Writing in the journal Circulation Research: Journal of the American Heart Association, scientists show in a small study that stem cell therapy can reverse heart damage in patients with enlarged hearts due to heart attacks. In addition, the benefits from the stem cell injections appear to be three times better than that offered by current medical treatments, according to a release. Scar tissue decreased and heart function improved, the scientists from the University of Miami said.
In an interview with the Miami Herald, Joshua Hare, the study's lead author and director of the UM Medical School's Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, seemed pumped about the heart development.
'That's the Holy Grail, the quest the whole field has been pursuing for close to a decade, and this is evidence we're on the right track,' Hare told the Herald.
A participant in the small eight-person trial, Max Eaton, 68, seconded that emotion. 'I feel very grateful,' Eaton told the Herald. 'Almost certainly, I would be deceased or in much worse shape had I not had the opportunity to be in this program.'"
And would these be Embryonic Stem Cells? Not on your life. Two different times of bone marrow stem-cells. Go here for all of our posts on amazing adult stem-cell treatments.
It's been one of our mantras here at "A Shepherd's Voice: "Are California voters having second thoughts yet about shelling out $3 billion + for immoral & unproven embryonic stem cell research, which has yet to show a single cure, while adult stem cells are curing people left and right?"
Readers interested in the latest amazing stem-cell treatments should visit the blog of Don Margolis. He's been on the story for years, and has just about daily updates.
From Fierce Biotech Research:
"Writing in the journal Circulation Research: Journal of the American Heart Association, scientists show in a small study that stem cell therapy can reverse heart damage in patients with enlarged hearts due to heart attacks. In addition, the benefits from the stem cell injections appear to be three times better than that offered by current medical treatments, according to a release. Scar tissue decreased and heart function improved, the scientists from the University of Miami said.
In an interview with the Miami Herald, Joshua Hare, the study's lead author and director of the UM Medical School's Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, seemed pumped about the heart development.
'That's the Holy Grail, the quest the whole field has been pursuing for close to a decade, and this is evidence we're on the right track,' Hare told the Herald.
A participant in the small eight-person trial, Max Eaton, 68, seconded that emotion. 'I feel very grateful,' Eaton told the Herald. 'Almost certainly, I would be deceased or in much worse shape had I not had the opportunity to be in this program.'"
And would these be Embryonic Stem Cells? Not on your life. Two different times of bone marrow stem-cells. Go here for all of our posts on amazing adult stem-cell treatments.
It's been one of our mantras here at "A Shepherd's Voice: "Are California voters having second thoughts yet about shelling out $3 billion + for immoral & unproven embryonic stem cell research, which has yet to show a single cure, while adult stem cells are curing people left and right?"
Readers interested in the latest amazing stem-cell treatments should visit the blog of Don Margolis. He's been on the story for years, and has just about daily updates.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Father Tom Daly to be Auxiliary Bishop of San Jose!

Announced this morning. We love him. He brought pro-life hero the Reverend Walter Hoye to speak to the students at Marin Catholic High School. (photo courtesy California Catholic Daily).
Compare that to the Archdiocesan Convent of the Sacred Heart High School, who last month brough an excommunicated lesbian "Roman Catholic Woman Priest" to speak to their students.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Salesian Father Jose Lucero Leads Parishioners at 40 Days for Life
Valerie Schmalz, writing in this week's Catholic San Francisco reports on San Francisco's "40 Days for Life" vigil, and the March 18 closing of the Golden Gate Health Center (formerly Planned Parenthood Golden Gate). The story is on page 10 of the PDF version of the paper.
She shares the good news that Salesian priest Fr. Jose Lucero, of Corpus Christi Church, will lead his parishioners at Planned Parenthood's new location:
"On March 19, the San Francisco 40 Days for Life vigil will move to 1650 Valencia St. in the Mission District, where Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific opened a clinic in January. That
clinic is within a 10-minute walk of Corpus Christi Church and school, said Corpus Christi
Associate Pastor Salesian Father Jose Lucero, who began praying with parishioners outside
the clinic on Ash Wednesday.
'It is clear that there should not be abortions allowed – period,' said Father Lucero, who began recruiting parishioners at all the Masses on the weekend of March 5-6. 'They should
not be happening. Anyone Catholic needs to uphold that.'”
God bless this Son of Don Bosco! May other priests follow his example!
She shares the good news that Salesian priest Fr. Jose Lucero, of Corpus Christi Church, will lead his parishioners at Planned Parenthood's new location:
"On March 19, the San Francisco 40 Days for Life vigil will move to 1650 Valencia St. in the Mission District, where Planned Parenthood Shasta Pacific opened a clinic in January. That
clinic is within a 10-minute walk of Corpus Christi Church and school, said Corpus Christi
Associate Pastor Salesian Father Jose Lucero, who began praying with parishioners outside
the clinic on Ash Wednesday.
'It is clear that there should not be abortions allowed – period,' said Father Lucero, who began recruiting parishioners at all the Masses on the weekend of March 5-6. 'They should
not be happening. Anyone Catholic needs to uphold that.'”
God bless this Son of Don Bosco! May other priests follow his example!
Abortion; Party of Death,
Choose Life,
The Salesians
A Letter From the Salesian Sisters in Japan

If there is one group you can be sure will be working day and night as long as they can draw breath it is the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. God bless them!
"As we see in the news, the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan has created a situation of crisis in the country. We have 15 mission sites in Japan. Our sisters run 9 schools, various youth centers, social ministries, immigrant outreach, etc. In one of our schools all students got stranded and the sisters are taking care of all their needs since the roads and accesses were destroyed.
Sr. Marisa Gambato, provincial secretary of the Japanese province wrote telling us how they are living these days and what the general situation is like.
«The earthquakes continue and are fairly serious. Many people are still isolated, and a stronger quake is feared (or foreseen?) here in Tokyo . At this very moment in which I am writing to you I feel a tremor. It is the second in just fifteen minutes.
We are living these hours in the fear that something else will happen. For this reason we are praying that if it must happen, it may not be while the pupils are in school.
We are living in fear. Television transmissions continue to show and talk about the numbers of victims, injured, homeless, people who are isolated, the danger of nuclear reactors and many other things.
One of our Sisters had no news of her parents and so did not know what had happened to them. However, just half an hour ago she was able to communicate with them and know that they, too, are out of danger.
It is the same for relations of other Sisters, past pupils and friends. The Bishop of the diocese of Sendai cannot be reached.
Here in Tokyo , the situation has returned to normal. The day of the first the
earthquake, all public transport stopped and the city and its surroundings were paralysed. Even trains between different cities had stopped.
One of our Sisters was out of the house in the afternoon, when the earthquake took place. She had to walk home and arrived at 1:30am. She was not the only one walking and so was not afraid. Many people had to do the same thing.
The situation of our pupils and their families is not a cause for worry, but we are thinking of the many children and old people in emergency shelter, in gyms or halls, all together: men, women, children and the elderly, etc., lacking everything. Water and food is being distributed, but it seems that, at times, they have to wait for hours before what they need arrives.
We are organising ourselves to collect money. We have been asked by Caritas Japan and other government and non government organisations to collect funds. It is the best way to help for the moment. As for volunteering, it is still impossible to think of anything. For now the military and specialist groups who are coming from other countries are what is needed. Many areas can only be reached by helicopter, and some not even by that means. One of the ways of collaborating is the sense of bearing things of the people in difficulty.
At the airport of Sendai 1,300 people are still waiting for help. The State is moving, but roads are interrupted in various places. Whole villages have disappeared.
The government is not asking for anything from the citizens except to remain calm and avoid exposing themselves to danger. Since it is possible that there may be further earthquakes they should be ready to escape to safe places. I do not know if Japan is different from other countries, but the people have a great ability to bear things and so do not get discouraged easily. I tell all those who ask about Japan to continue to pray».
«The earthquakes continue and are fairly serious. Many people are still isolated, and a stronger quake is feared (or foreseen?) here in Tokyo . At this very moment in which I am writing to you I feel a tremor. It is the second in just fifteen minutes.
We are living these hours in the fear that something else will happen. For this reason we are praying that if it must happen, it may not be while the pupils are in school.
We are living in fear. Television transmissions continue to show and talk about the numbers of victims, injured, homeless, people who are isolated, the danger of nuclear reactors and many other things.
One of our Sisters had no news of her parents and so did not know what had happened to them. However, just half an hour ago she was able to communicate with them and know that they, too, are out of danger.
It is the same for relations of other Sisters, past pupils and friends. The Bishop of the diocese of Sendai cannot be reached.
Here in Tokyo , the situation has returned to normal. The day of the first the
earthquake, all public transport stopped and the city and its surroundings were paralysed. Even trains between different cities had stopped.
One of our Sisters was out of the house in the afternoon, when the earthquake took place. She had to walk home and arrived at 1:30am. She was not the only one walking and so was not afraid. Many people had to do the same thing.
The situation of our pupils and their families is not a cause for worry, but we are thinking of the many children and old people in emergency shelter, in gyms or halls, all together: men, women, children and the elderly, etc., lacking everything. Water and food is being distributed, but it seems that, at times, they have to wait for hours before what they need arrives.
We are organising ourselves to collect money. We have been asked by Caritas Japan and other government and non government organisations to collect funds. It is the best way to help for the moment. As for volunteering, it is still impossible to think of anything. For now the military and specialist groups who are coming from other countries are what is needed. Many areas can only be reached by helicopter, and some not even by that means. One of the ways of collaborating is the sense of bearing things of the people in difficulty.
At the airport of Sendai 1,300 people are still waiting for help. The State is moving, but roads are interrupted in various places. Whole villages have disappeared.
The government is not asking for anything from the citizens except to remain calm and avoid exposing themselves to danger. Since it is possible that there may be further earthquakes they should be ready to escape to safe places. I do not know if Japan is different from other countries, but the people have a great ability to bear things and so do not get discouraged easily. I tell all those who ask about Japan to continue to pray».
More Public Sector Union Abuse, this time from San Francisco
From today's San Francisco Chronicle:
"San Francisco's biggest pension earners receive hefty checks not only from the city's pension fund, but also additional money from the cash-strapped departments in which they worked.
The system allows the retirees, all top brass from the police and fire department, to receive annual payments far above the $195,000 pension cap allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.
The city's retirement fund cannot pay more than that, but it's fairly common for cities and other employers to legally get around the provision. San Francisco does it by passing the extra tab on to the employees' former departments....
For example, the city's No. 1 pension earner, former Police Chief Heather Fong, last year received $195,000 from the regular pension fund plus $69,246.85 from the police department.
The department - which is so broke, it can't afford police academy classes this year or next - will be on the hook for that payment, plus cost-of-living hikes, every year for the rest of Fong's life."
"San Francisco's biggest pension earners receive hefty checks not only from the city's pension fund, but also additional money from the cash-strapped departments in which they worked.
The system allows the retirees, all top brass from the police and fire department, to receive annual payments far above the $195,000 pension cap allowed by the Internal Revenue Service.
The city's retirement fund cannot pay more than that, but it's fairly common for cities and other employers to legally get around the provision. San Francisco does it by passing the extra tab on to the employees' former departments....
For example, the city's No. 1 pension earner, former Police Chief Heather Fong, last year received $195,000 from the regular pension fund plus $69,246.85 from the police department.
The department - which is so broke, it can't afford police academy classes this year or next - will be on the hook for that payment, plus cost-of-living hikes, every year for the rest of Fong's life."
Baby Joseph Rescued From Canadian Hospital!
From LifeSiteNews:
"After weeks of legal battles and searching for a hospital willing to take over his care, Baby Joseph Maraachli was airlifted Sunday night to a children’s hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Joseph and his father, Moe Maraachli, were joined on the specially-equipped air ambulance by Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of the U.S.-based Priests for Life. The organization paid for the flight, and will foot Joseph’s U.S. medical bills and the cost of his family’s accommodations."
Way to go Father Frank!
Amazingly, the staff of London Health Services Center complained:
"Joseph’s previous hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, which refused to perform the tracheostomy and had sought to remove his ventilator against his parents’ wishes, defended their care of Joseph again in a press release Monday. They insisted he was taken from the hospital 'despite the strongest possible medical advice.'
The hospital complained that their doctors and staff 'were targeted by well-organized social media feeds and directly via email with personal threats, threats to their families, innuendoes and falsehoods.'”
The article also had some very interesting commentary from Dr. Paul Byrne, a fifty-year veteran in the field of neonatology.
Dr. Byrne said that the "... issue shouldn’t be turned into a debate about the American health care system versus the Canadian system. Instead, he said it highlights the need for 'medicine that’s based on the Creator and the specialness of the person.'
“It’s medicine that is in accord with the Hippocratic oath, which very few doctors take any more, versus medicine that is not true medicine, but is actually part of the culture of death,” he explained. “It’s medicine that’s with God versus medicine that’s without God.”
'They make the person be like a machine, like an automobile that has parts,' he said. 'That’s not what the person is. When the automobile gets too much wrong with it, it goes to a junk yard.'
'They decided that baby Joseph was not worthwhile and to do a tracheostomy was futile, and therefore they weren’t going to do it,' he added."
Now thanks be to God, and to the efforts of many people, baby Joseph is in a hospital that will at least cooperate with his parents. Let us pray that he lives, and if it be God's will that he dies, at least it will be in a place where he is loved and valued.
"After weeks of legal battles and searching for a hospital willing to take over his care, Baby Joseph Maraachli was airlifted Sunday night to a children’s hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Joseph and his father, Moe Maraachli, were joined on the specially-equipped air ambulance by Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of the U.S.-based Priests for Life. The organization paid for the flight, and will foot Joseph’s U.S. medical bills and the cost of his family’s accommodations."
Way to go Father Frank!
Amazingly, the staff of London Health Services Center complained:
"Joseph’s previous hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, which refused to perform the tracheostomy and had sought to remove his ventilator against his parents’ wishes, defended their care of Joseph again in a press release Monday. They insisted he was taken from the hospital 'despite the strongest possible medical advice.'
The hospital complained that their doctors and staff 'were targeted by well-organized social media feeds and directly via email with personal threats, threats to their families, innuendoes and falsehoods.'”
The article also had some very interesting commentary from Dr. Paul Byrne, a fifty-year veteran in the field of neonatology.
Dr. Byrne said that the "... issue shouldn’t be turned into a debate about the American health care system versus the Canadian system. Instead, he said it highlights the need for 'medicine that’s based on the Creator and the specialness of the person.'
“It’s medicine that is in accord with the Hippocratic oath, which very few doctors take any more, versus medicine that is not true medicine, but is actually part of the culture of death,” he explained. “It’s medicine that’s with God versus medicine that’s without God.”
'They make the person be like a machine, like an automobile that has parts,' he said. 'That’s not what the person is. When the automobile gets too much wrong with it, it goes to a junk yard.'
'They decided that baby Joseph was not worthwhile and to do a tracheostomy was futile, and therefore they weren’t going to do it,' he added."
Now thanks be to God, and to the efforts of many people, baby Joseph is in a hospital that will at least cooperate with his parents. Let us pray that he lives, and if it be God's will that he dies, at least it will be in a place where he is loved and valued.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wisconsin Unions Indoctrinate Kids
What's next, child soldiers? Maybe! Disturbing video taken in the rotunda of the Wisconsin capitol today. Taxpayer funded teachers training students to reject democratic government. Via Ann Althouse:
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
CCCYO Ex-Director Comes Clean, Supports Counterfeit Marriage
Brian Cahill, immediate past Executive Director of Catholic Charities of San Francisco published an op-ed in last Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle, declaring his support for counterfeit marriage, and reavealing that he had donated financially to the opponents of Proposiition 8.
Of course, to the readers of "A Shepherd's Voice" this is no surprise--we revealed it back in October of 2008.
For new readers, Mr. Cahill is the guy who thought it would be a good idea for Catholic Charities CYO to provide staffing to an organization that advertised for adoptive "dads" on the s/m page of the Bay Area Reporter and the "Porn" page of the San Francisco Bay Times, two homosexualist publications. That action outraged even the city government of San Francisco--which is not easy to do.
Thankfully, Mr. Cahill's tenure at Catholic Charities ended in 2009, along with CCCYO's partnership with Family Builders by Adoption. But as this post about his CCCYO going away party shows, much more needs to be done.
For an in-depth report on the how this situation arose, visit our sister website "Homosexual Activism in the Archdiocese of San Francisco."
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Of course, to the readers of "A Shepherd's Voice" this is no surprise--we revealed it back in October of 2008.
For new readers, Mr. Cahill is the guy who thought it would be a good idea for Catholic Charities CYO to provide staffing to an organization that advertised for adoptive "dads" on the s/m page of the Bay Area Reporter and the "Porn" page of the San Francisco Bay Times, two homosexualist publications. That action outraged even the city government of San Francisco--which is not easy to do.
Thankfully, Mr. Cahill's tenure at Catholic Charities ended in 2009, along with CCCYO's partnership with Family Builders by Adoption. But as this post about his CCCYO going away party shows, much more needs to be done.
For an in-depth report on the how this situation arose, visit our sister website "Homosexual Activism in the Archdiocese of San Francisco."
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Chutzpah, Red Chinese Style
It's the classical definition of chutzpah: A guy murders his parents, then asks the court for mercy on the grounds he's an orphan.
From the New Zealand Herald:
"The Chinese Embassy has asked the Government to give special compensation to Chinese families who lost children in last month's Christchurch earthquake....
Because of China's one child policy New Zealand should make special arrangements for added economic assistance, on top of provisions like ACC, Chinese Embassy disaster relief head Cheng Lei said."
The minister of the Communist government is utterly shameless:
'You can expect how lonely, how desperate they are... not only from losing loved ones, but losing almost entirely the major source of economic assistance after retirement,' he told Radio New Zealand."
Meanwhile, just over a week ago, on March 5, the Catholic News Agency reported:
"A Chinese woman who protested the country's strict one-child policy was re-arrested and taken to an unknown labor camp after she was initially released from a different facility one day earlier on medical parole."
From the New Zealand Herald:
"The Chinese Embassy has asked the Government to give special compensation to Chinese families who lost children in last month's Christchurch earthquake....
Because of China's one child policy New Zealand should make special arrangements for added economic assistance, on top of provisions like ACC, Chinese Embassy disaster relief head Cheng Lei said."
The minister of the Communist government is utterly shameless:
'You can expect how lonely, how desperate they are... not only from losing loved ones, but losing almost entirely the major source of economic assistance after retirement,' he told Radio New Zealand."
Meanwhile, just over a week ago, on March 5, the Catholic News Agency reported:
"A Chinese woman who protested the country's strict one-child policy was re-arrested and taken to an unknown labor camp after she was initially released from a different facility one day earlier on medical parole."
Pray for the People of Japan! Help is on the Way!
What an unimaginable tragedy. The Church is still formulating its disaster response through Catholic Relief Services and Caritas Japan. Our bishops should have clear instructions on how we should help very soon.
Charity Navigator, an organization that monitors charitable groups (and unfortunately, bogus groups) understands our desire to do something right now but counsels us:
"Wait and see: While we all feel an urgent need to help immediately following a massive disaster, some donors may want to wait a few days before donating. By then, charities should have a more clear plan of how they’ll provide aid."
Japanese Red Cross is already on the scene. If you feel you must donate right away, Bay Area Red Cross has a webpage where you can send a donation specifically for the Japanese disaster.
Charity Navigator, an organization that monitors charitable groups (and unfortunately, bogus groups) understands our desire to do something right now but counsels us:
"Wait and see: While we all feel an urgent need to help immediately following a massive disaster, some donors may want to wait a few days before donating. By then, charities should have a more clear plan of how they’ll provide aid."
Japanese Red Cross is already on the scene. If you feel you must donate right away, Bay Area Red Cross has a webpage where you can send a donation specifically for the Japanese disaster.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dr. Ed Peters on Canon Law/Pastoral Practice
The great canon lawyer, who has singlehandedly been whipping Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese, the Diocese of Albany, National Catholic Reporter Michael Sean Winters, and Dan Collins of the Huffington Post over the Andrew Cuomo communion controversy continues his work:
Communion, Canon Law, and Pastoral Practice
There is a line of thought emerging in regard to the Cuomo-Communion controversy that runs as follows: “Okay, maybe Peters has a point about the canon law of this case, but c’mon, questions about individual reception of holy Communion are really matters of pastoral practice....”
Read the whole thing .
He adds Cardinal Mahoney to his list of victims, too.
h/t Fr. Z.
Communion, Canon Law, and Pastoral Practice
There is a line of thought emerging in regard to the Cuomo-Communion controversy that runs as follows: “Okay, maybe Peters has a point about the canon law of this case, but c’mon, questions about individual reception of holy Communion are really matters of pastoral practice....”
Read the whole thing .
He adds Cardinal Mahoney to his list of victims, too.
h/t Fr. Z.
Strange comments from Fr. Rosica about Fr. Gravel and Life Site News
We had posted about Fr. Rayond Gravel's lawsuit against LifeSiteNews back when news of the lawsuit was first made public. Go here to donate to LSN's legal costs.
On Thursday, LifeSiteNews reported that Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of Canada's Salt and Light TV, weighed in on the issue. Fr. Rosica does not much care for LifeSiteNews. It's my opinion that he is sore at LifeSiteNews, particularily because of their scoop on the Development and Peace scandal .
His comments in the National Post did not seem to make much sense--of course, some of that may be the fault of the author rather than of Father. Here is the author describing Fr. Rosica's attitude towards Fr. Gravel
"Fr. Rosica said he is no fan of Fr. Gravel and disagrees strongly with his political activism and activity."
Repeat: Fr. Rosica is CEO of Salt and Light TV. A search of the Salt and Light website turns up no results for "Raymond Gravel." A google search of "Raymond Gravel" + Rosica turned up 387 results, but I did not find one that included Fr. Rosica "disagreeing strongly" (or at all) with Fr. Gravel. Fr. Rosica does not disagree strongly enough with Fr. Gravel to even write about it. Continuing the citation from above:
But he still seriously questions LifeSite’s treatment of the priest. 'No matter how ambiguous, deplorable, scandalous and improper Fr. Raymond Gravel’s behavior is purported to have been in Quebec and in Canada ...."
Emphasis added. Purported to have been? Fr. Gravel was elected to public office in Canada as a member of a political party that supports abortion and counterfeit marriage. We won't even bother adressing the liberal's insincere cry of "incivility"--we merely invite readers to go here for an example of Fr. Rosica's civility.
The article further stated:
"Fr. Rosica expressed concern that by highlighting two extreme positions on the abortion issue, LifeSiteNews and Fr. Gravel have repelled Catholics who might otherwise have rallied to the pro-life cause."
That's an odd statement. What are the "two extremes" Fr. Rosica refers to? The position of the Roman Catholic Church that abortion is wrong and should not be committed? That's certainly the position of LifeSiteNews. Does Fr. Rosica consider that an "extreme"?
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
On Thursday, LifeSiteNews reported that Fr. Thomas Rosica, CEO of Canada's Salt and Light TV, weighed in on the issue. Fr. Rosica does not much care for LifeSiteNews. It's my opinion that he is sore at LifeSiteNews, particularily because of their scoop on the Development and Peace scandal .
His comments in the National Post did not seem to make much sense--of course, some of that may be the fault of the author rather than of Father. Here is the author describing Fr. Rosica's attitude towards Fr. Gravel
"Fr. Rosica said he is no fan of Fr. Gravel and disagrees strongly with his political activism and activity."
Repeat: Fr. Rosica is CEO of Salt and Light TV. A search of the Salt and Light website turns up no results for "Raymond Gravel." A google search of "Raymond Gravel" + Rosica turned up 387 results, but I did not find one that included Fr. Rosica "disagreeing strongly" (or at all) with Fr. Gravel. Fr. Rosica does not disagree strongly enough with Fr. Gravel to even write about it. Continuing the citation from above:
But he still seriously questions LifeSite’s treatment of the priest. 'No matter how ambiguous, deplorable, scandalous and improper Fr. Raymond Gravel’s behavior is purported to have been in Quebec and in Canada ...."
Emphasis added. Purported to have been? Fr. Gravel was elected to public office in Canada as a member of a political party that supports abortion and counterfeit marriage. We won't even bother adressing the liberal's insincere cry of "incivility"--we merely invite readers to go here for an example of Fr. Rosica's civility.
The article further stated:
"Fr. Rosica expressed concern that by highlighting two extreme positions on the abortion issue, LifeSiteNews and Fr. Gravel have repelled Catholics who might otherwise have rallied to the pro-life cause."
That's an odd statement. What are the "two extremes" Fr. Rosica refers to? The position of the Roman Catholic Church that abortion is wrong and should not be committed? That's certainly the position of LifeSiteNews. Does Fr. Rosica consider that an "extreme"?
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Abortion; Party of Death,
Culture of Death
Friday, March 11, 2011
On Wisconsin (again)
Michael Walsh in the New York Post writing about the deep meaning of the events of the past few weeks in Wisconsin:
"But this fight is no longer simply about Walker's attempt to balance Wisconsin's wobbly budget, or even about whether public-employee unions ought to have the right to collective bargaining -- they shouldn't, and in fact they shouldn't even exist, as FDR himself warned.
It's now about whether we are to have an orderly democracy or legislative and executive anarchy, whether elections can be delegitimized and even overturned by the daily plebiscites of the polls, by the flouting of sacred oaths of office and by the trampling on the laws of the state.
It must stop. As President Obama liked to remind the GOP during the first two years of his administration, elections have consequences. From the Republican point of view, there was plenty not to like about Obama's program, including the stimulus and the health-care bill, but they voted anyway and took their lumps like grownups.
What the Democrats are doing in Wisconsin is more than just a disgrace. It's a danger to our republican form of government, a formula for permanent, no-holds-barred combat long after the polls have closed and the people have spoken."
"But this fight is no longer simply about Walker's attempt to balance Wisconsin's wobbly budget, or even about whether public-employee unions ought to have the right to collective bargaining -- they shouldn't, and in fact they shouldn't even exist, as FDR himself warned.
It's now about whether we are to have an orderly democracy or legislative and executive anarchy, whether elections can be delegitimized and even overturned by the daily plebiscites of the polls, by the flouting of sacred oaths of office and by the trampling on the laws of the state.
It must stop. As President Obama liked to remind the GOP during the first two years of his administration, elections have consequences. From the Republican point of view, there was plenty not to like about Obama's program, including the stimulus and the health-care bill, but they voted anyway and took their lumps like grownups.
What the Democrats are doing in Wisconsin is more than just a disgrace. It's a danger to our republican form of government, a formula for permanent, no-holds-barred combat long after the polls have closed and the people have spoken."
In Maryland, People Speak, Legislators Listen & Abandon Counterfeit Marriage
Good news from Maryland on the "Civil Marriage Protection Act." It is especially heartening since Maryland is a deeply Democratic state--like California!
The New York Times reports
"For weeks, the bill’s passage was thought to be assured. Maryland’s House is overwhelmingly Democrat — 98 out of 141 members, more than enough to pass the bill over Republican opposition. But the closer it got to a final vote, the bumpier its path became, with a number of Democrats from districts with strong religious constituencies saying they would vote against it.
Two of its co-sponsors, Tiffany Alston of Prince George’s County and Melvin Stukes of Baltimore County, withdrew their support at the last minute, under pressure from their constituencies, which both have powerful religious communities.
Ultimately, about a third of the Democrats in the House opposed it."
Brian Burch of the National Organization for Marriage said:
I am happily surprised by this victory. I had thought, (as the NYT writer said) the bill would pass, and then the people would repeal it in 2012, in the manner of Maine's "Question 1." But it looks like the people of Maryland, and especially their religious leaders, really stood up for marriage.
The New York Times reports
"For weeks, the bill’s passage was thought to be assured. Maryland’s House is overwhelmingly Democrat — 98 out of 141 members, more than enough to pass the bill over Republican opposition. But the closer it got to a final vote, the bumpier its path became, with a number of Democrats from districts with strong religious constituencies saying they would vote against it.
Two of its co-sponsors, Tiffany Alston of Prince George’s County and Melvin Stukes of Baltimore County, withdrew their support at the last minute, under pressure from their constituencies, which both have powerful religious communities.
Ultimately, about a third of the Democrats in the House opposed it."
Brian Burch of the National Organization for Marriage said:
"Kudos to those brave Maryland delegates who defied the arm-twisting and political pressures to do the right thing: listen to your constituents,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “We pledge to be there over the long haul to help all pro-marriage Democrats, many of whom have been subject to reprehensible attacks for standing up for marriage. This victory comes from the people of Maryland whose quiet, under-reported, but extraordinary outpouring of opposition to redefining marriage is the reason for this victory. Not only did marriage win, but democracy won today."
I am happily surprised by this victory. I had thought, (as the NYT writer said) the bill would pass, and then the people would repeal it in 2012, in the manner of Maine's "Question 1." But it looks like the people of Maryland, and especially their religious leaders, really stood up for marriage.
God Bless them!
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
From an article in the National Post, Canada, by Tsaha Kheiriddin, a conservative public policy analyst and commentator. and member of the editorial board of the National Post.
… So today, on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, I salute the Susan B. Anthonys, the Nellie McClungs, and yes, even the Betty Friedans, for the fights they led for women's equality. But I would also like to see contemporary feminism stop preaching, and start serving the true ambitions of women. Instead of asking "How do I fit motherhood into my life?" we should encourage our daughters to ask, "How do I fit my life into motherhood?" Aspiring to raise a family is a goal that should be exalted, not decried.
The message: Women who have more than one child, and aspire to take time off to raise a family, aren't just letting down the sisterhood, but threatening the well-being of the entire country. We should all be Rosie the Riveters for the 21st century – except that instead of building munitions, we're bolstering the GDP.
Ironically, feminism was originally all about choices, the lynchpin of which was the choice for women with children to work outside the home. Today, however, feminists paint this decision as mandatory, and children as optional.
… So today, on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, I salute the Susan B. Anthonys, the Nellie McClungs, and yes, even the Betty Friedans, for the fights they led for women's equality. But I would also like to see contemporary feminism stop preaching, and start serving the true ambitions of women. Instead of asking "How do I fit motherhood into my life?" we should encourage our daughters to ask, "How do I fit my life into motherhood?" Aspiring to raise a family is a goal that should be exalted, not decried.
The message: Women who have more than one child, and aspire to take time off to raise a family, aren't just letting down the sisterhood, but threatening the well-being of the entire country. We should all be Rosie the Riveters for the 21st century – except that instead of building munitions, we're bolstering the GDP.
Ironically, feminism was originally all about choices, the lynchpin of which was the choice for women with children to work outside the home. Today, however, feminists paint this decision as mandatory, and children as optional.
New York City: Culture of Death, Indeed
We've always known that abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States. (See here and here for 2003 data.)
Now the pro-life hero Reverend Walter Hoye shows that in New York City abortion is not only the leading cause of death, it exceeds all other causes of death combined.
As the good pastor says, "Brothers, we need to talk."
Jack Smith has the figures.
Now the pro-life hero Reverend Walter Hoye shows that in New York City abortion is not only the leading cause of death, it exceeds all other causes of death combined.
As the good pastor says, "Brothers, we need to talk."
Jack Smith has the figures.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Teach Kids Orgasms & Free Them from Religion
NEA Rep to UN: C-Fam reports here on the latest attempt to abuse children via UN policy, this time supported by National Education Association:
“Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out.
Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,” Schneider proclaimed, “and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.” “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”
Got all that? It's a sad world!
“Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out.
Comprehensive sex education is “the only way to combat heterosexism and gender conformity,” Schneider proclaimed, “and we must make these issues a part of every middle and high-school student’s agenda.” “Gender identity expression and sexual orientation are a spectrum,” she explained, and said that those opposed to homosexuality “are stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.”
Got all that? It's a sad world!
Monday, March 7, 2011
US Bishop Decries Injustice Against Marriage
Says President's Position Is Threat to Democracy
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York is decrying the "alarming and grave injustice" of U.S. President Barack Obama's instruction to the nation's justice department to cease its defense of marriage.
The president's instruction to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was announced on Feb. 23 by the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder.
Archbishop Dolan, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, released a statement in response to this announcement, and also sent a personal message to Obama regarding the administration's move.
"Marriage, the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife, is a singular and irreplaceable institution," the archbishop affirmed.
He asserted, "Only a man and a woman have the ability to bring children into the world."
"Along with that ability comes responsibility," the prelate stated, "which society historically reinforces with laws that bind mothers and fathers to each other and their children."
He asserted that "contrary to the attorney general's statement, DOMA does not single out people based on sexual 'orientation' or inclination."
"Unjust discrimination against any person is always wrong," Archbishop Dolan acknowledged. "But DOMA is not 'unjust discrimination;' rather, it merely affirms and protects the time-tested and unalterable meaning of marriage." "The suggestion that this definition amounts to 'discrimination' is grossly false and represents an affront to millions of citizens in this country," he said.
Common sense
The archbishop continued: "The decision also does not stand the test of common sense.
"It is hardly 'discrimination' to say that a husband and a wife have a unique and singular relationship that two persons of the same sex -- or any unmarried persons -- simply do not and cannot have."
"It is not 'discrimination' to say that having both a mother and a father matters to and benefits a child," he added.
"Protecting the definition of marriage is not merely permissible, but actually necessary as a matter of justice," the prelate stated.
He stressed that "having laws that affirm the vital importance of mothers and fathers -- laws that reinforce, rather than undermine, the ideal that children should be raised by their own mother and father -- is essential for any just society."
"Those laws are now under relentless attack," Archbishop Dolan warned.
He asserted, "The administration's current position is not only a grave threat to marriage, but to religious liberty and the integrity of our democracy as well."
The archbishop continued: "Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as 'discrimination."On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I express my deep disappointment over the administration's recent decision."
The prelate concluded, "I pray that [the president] and the Department of Justice may yet make the right choice to carry out their constitutional responsibility, defending the irreplaceable institution of marriage, and in so doing protect the future generations of our children."
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York is decrying the "alarming and grave injustice" of U.S. President Barack Obama's instruction to the nation's justice department to cease its defense of marriage.
The president's instruction to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was announced on Feb. 23 by the U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder.
Archbishop Dolan, president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, released a statement in response to this announcement, and also sent a personal message to Obama regarding the administration's move.
"Marriage, the union of one man and one woman as husband and wife, is a singular and irreplaceable institution," the archbishop affirmed.
He asserted, "Only a man and a woman have the ability to bring children into the world."
"Along with that ability comes responsibility," the prelate stated, "which society historically reinforces with laws that bind mothers and fathers to each other and their children."
He asserted that "contrary to the attorney general's statement, DOMA does not single out people based on sexual 'orientation' or inclination."
"Unjust discrimination against any person is always wrong," Archbishop Dolan acknowledged. "But DOMA is not 'unjust discrimination;' rather, it merely affirms and protects the time-tested and unalterable meaning of marriage." "The suggestion that this definition amounts to 'discrimination' is grossly false and represents an affront to millions of citizens in this country," he said.
Common sense
The archbishop continued: "The decision also does not stand the test of common sense.
"It is hardly 'discrimination' to say that a husband and a wife have a unique and singular relationship that two persons of the same sex -- or any unmarried persons -- simply do not and cannot have."
"It is not 'discrimination' to say that having both a mother and a father matters to and benefits a child," he added.
"Protecting the definition of marriage is not merely permissible, but actually necessary as a matter of justice," the prelate stated.
He stressed that "having laws that affirm the vital importance of mothers and fathers -- laws that reinforce, rather than undermine, the ideal that children should be raised by their own mother and father -- is essential for any just society."
"Those laws are now under relentless attack," Archbishop Dolan warned.
He asserted, "The administration's current position is not only a grave threat to marriage, but to religious liberty and the integrity of our democracy as well."
The archbishop continued: "Our nation and government have the duty to recognize and protect marriage, not tamper with and redefine it, nor to caricature the deeply held beliefs of so many citizens as 'discrimination."On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I express my deep disappointment over the administration's recent decision."
The prelate concluded, "I pray that [the president] and the Department of Justice may yet make the right choice to carry out their constitutional responsibility, defending the irreplaceable institution of marriage, and in so doing protect the future generations of our children."
Dr. Bruchalski: Great Conversion Story--and a Warning to Salesians
Today LifeSiteNews has the story of Dr. John Bruchalski. Dr. Bruchalski is an OB-GYN who early in his career was an abortionist. Like Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Ms. Abby Johnson, he had a conversion experience. (I wonder why we never hear of those converting to the pro-abortion side? Does it happen?). After his conversion (or as he says, reversion) Dr. Bruchalski founded one of the largest pro-life health centers in the United States, the Tepayec Family Center. Read the story and you will want to donate.
There is a wonderful interview with Dr. Bruchalski on the Tepayec Family Center webpage. Dr. Bruchalski attended a Salesian High School in Northern New Jersey--I guess that would be the one at Ramsey. He decribes his experience, and it is not flattering:
"But after a Catholic high school education that emphasized only social justice, and a college education that emphasized the same along with an ethics department that was situational and relative, I simply bought the entire argument that humans would be better off economically and socially by controlling their fertility through chemicals, barriers, plastics and surgery."
That should be a lesson to all Salesians and all Catholic educators. Don Bosco, pray for us!
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
There is a wonderful interview with Dr. Bruchalski on the Tepayec Family Center webpage. Dr. Bruchalski attended a Salesian High School in Northern New Jersey--I guess that would be the one at Ramsey. He decribes his experience, and it is not flattering:
"But after a Catholic high school education that emphasized only social justice, and a college education that emphasized the same along with an ethics department that was situational and relative, I simply bought the entire argument that humans would be better off economically and socially by controlling their fertility through chemicals, barriers, plastics and surgery."
That should be a lesson to all Salesians and all Catholic educators. Don Bosco, pray for us!
Posted by Gibbons J. Cooney
Abortion; Party of Death,
Choose Life,
The Salesians
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Planned Parenthood Golden Gate's Spending Priorities
Yesterday's California Catholic Daily had an interesting story about Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, which went out of business last year. The locations were taken over by an organization called Golden Gate Community Health, which is closing this month. I was not aware of the information provided in the second paragraph reproduced below.
"PPGG lost $2.8 million during the tax year 2008-2009 and had not broken even since 2006. GGHC was reported to have run up a shortfall totaling $536,000 in 2010 and had attempted, apparently unsuccessfully, to raise $1.5 million in order to keep its clinics open.
At the same time it was struggling to survive financially, PPGG contributed over $750,000 to defeat three California ballot initiatives, in 2005, 2006, and 2008, that would have required parental notification before a minor could have an abortion."
"PPGG lost $2.8 million during the tax year 2008-2009 and had not broken even since 2006. GGHC was reported to have run up a shortfall totaling $536,000 in 2010 and had attempted, apparently unsuccessfully, to raise $1.5 million in order to keep its clinics open.
At the same time it was struggling to survive financially, PPGG contributed over $750,000 to defeat three California ballot initiatives, in 2005, 2006, and 2008, that would have required parental notification before a minor could have an abortion."
Today's "Walk for India's Missing Girls"
Here's a photo emailed from the San Francisco event.
This looks like the Walk's finish at Union Square. More photos when we get them.

Mary help of Christians, help us to end abortion and infanticide!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Walk for Life West Coast's Dolores Meehan on ABC TV
She's discussing Planned Parenthood funding cuts on ABC San Francisco. ABC's "political expert" agrees with her. Some nice footgae of this year's rally, too.
Abortion; Party of Death,
Choose Life,
Walk for Life
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wisconsin Senator Grothman Shows Sense & Sense of Humor
He's the state senator being harassed by the Wisconsin pro-public sector union protestors as he tried to enter the capitol to do his job (see previous post).
From today's Wiscosin State Journal:
"Grothman appears to have taken the whole incident in stride. His view of the protesters is that they're mainly university students having fun and 'sleeping on air mattresses with their girlfriends.'
'I really think five years from now most of these people will have a real job and be voting Republican,' Grothman said."
From today's Wiscosin State Journal:
"Grothman appears to have taken the whole incident in stride. His view of the protesters is that they're mainly university students having fun and 'sleeping on air mattresses with their girlfriends.'
'I really think five years from now most of these people will have a real job and be voting Republican,' Grothman said."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
40 Days for Life Wins in SF: Golden Gate Community Health Closing
"Golden Gate Community Health Center" is the name Planned Parenthood Golden Gate adopted as it tried to emerge from financial scandal.
From the Bay Citizen online newspaper:
"Golden Gate Community Health, the embattled former Planned Parenthood affiliate based in San Francisco, will close this week, The Bay Citizen has learned.
Several employees posted the news on Facebook Monday night. According to a former employee with ties to the organization, staff members were notified of the clinic’s closure and layoffs about 4:30 p.m. Monday. All the remaining appointments will be routed to the main clinic in San Francisco, which will remain open for about two more weeks, the former employee said. The other clinics, including locations in San Rafael, Oakland, Hayward and San Mateo, will close by the end of the week. The organization’s Rohnert Park location was closed in October."
Pro-life San Franciscans had been holding the "40 Days for Life" vigil across the street from the organization's Eddy Street location for the past two years. The picture below is from March 6, 2009, where an ambulance roared up, sirens screaming, and a poor lady had to be wheeled out on a gurney.
"Golden Gate Community Health, the embattled former Planned Parenthood affiliate based in San Francisco, will close this week, The Bay Citizen has learned.
Several employees posted the news on Facebook Monday night. According to a former employee with ties to the organization, staff members were notified of the clinic’s closure and layoffs about 4:30 p.m. Monday. All the remaining appointments will be routed to the main clinic in San Francisco, which will remain open for about two more weeks, the former employee said. The other clinics, including locations in San Rafael, Oakland, Hayward and San Mateo, will close by the end of the week. The organization’s Rohnert Park location was closed in October."
Pro-life San Franciscans had been holding the "40 Days for Life" vigil across the street from the organization's Eddy Street location for the past two years. The picture below is from March 6, 2009, where an ambulance roared up, sirens screaming, and a poor lady had to be wheeled out on a gurney.
House Republicans will protect Defense of Marriage Act
This is a step in the right direction. From LifeSiteNews:
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said at a press conference Monday that House Republicans would take action to protect the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) against recent legal challenges.
The Majority Leader’s statement came less than a week after the Obama Administration announced that it believes DOMA, which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex unions, is unconstitutional....
“Again I do believe that this is a case that is distinguishable on its merits and to have the administration take the position, the president take the position, that he’s not defending the law of the land, is something very troubling I think to most members of the House,” Cantor said.
Cantor’s comments echo those of Speaker John Boehner, who told the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview over the weekend that the House of Representatives was “researching all the options available to us.”
Neither Cantor nor Boehner revealed any details about the specific course of action that the House planned to take, but both Representatives indicated that a plan of action would be formulated by Friday.
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum called on the House last week to appoint counsel to argue the case in court, a course of action which, Boehner told CNS, “is being considered.”
I should hope so. Good for Rick Santorum!
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said at a press conference Monday that House Republicans would take action to protect the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) against recent legal challenges.
The Majority Leader’s statement came less than a week after the Obama Administration announced that it believes DOMA, which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex unions, is unconstitutional....
“Again I do believe that this is a case that is distinguishable on its merits and to have the administration take the position, the president take the position, that he’s not defending the law of the land, is something very troubling I think to most members of the House,” Cantor said.
Cantor’s comments echo those of Speaker John Boehner, who told the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview over the weekend that the House of Representatives was “researching all the options available to us.”
Neither Cantor nor Boehner revealed any details about the specific course of action that the House planned to take, but both Representatives indicated that a plan of action would be formulated by Friday.
Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum called on the House last week to appoint counsel to argue the case in court, a course of action which, Boehner told CNS, “is being considered.”
I should hope so. Good for Rick Santorum!
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