Friday, March 11, 2011


From an article in the National Post, Canada, by Tsaha Kheiriddin, a conservative public policy analyst and commentator. and member of the editorial board of the National Post.

… So today, on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, I salute the Susan B. Anthonys, the Nellie McClungs, and yes, even the Betty Friedans, for the fights they led for women's equality. But I would also like to see contemporary feminism stop preaching, and start serving the true ambitions of women. Instead of asking "How do I fit motherhood into my life?" we should encourage our daughters to ask, "How do I fit my life into motherhood?" Aspiring to raise a family is a goal that should be exalted, not decried.

The message: Women who have more than one child, and aspire to take time off to raise a family, aren't just letting down the sisterhood, but threatening the well-being of the entire country. We should all be Rosie the Riveters for the 21st century – except that instead of building munitions, we're bolstering the GDP.

Ironically, feminism was originally all about choices, the lynchpin of which was the choice for women with children to work outside the home. Today, however, feminists paint this decision as mandatory, and children as optional.

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