Monday, May 28, 2007

Intelligent Design

I saw the ad in the San Francisco Chronicle this morning: Intelligent Design by Family Builders by Adoption.

The ad is directed to the "LBGT community." There are hundreds of children waiting for adoption, but to place them in families of homosexuals, can hardly be seen as a favor, and that is what Family Builders wants to do. Unfortunately it has the support of CYO.

I recall the admonition of Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo: same-sex adoption was "an act of moral violence" against a child.

How can we support our family structure, which is the basis of a strong nation, if we allow the very concept of family to be altered? Of course, by changing the definition of marriage to include same-sex, we are facilitating the process, and contributing to the destruction of the moral basis on which family is built.

"California Catholic Daily" is on the case.

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