A friend has ask me to post this message:
We publish this to encourage our bishops to help us with these signature gathering campaigns. It is within their legal and canonical rights (absolutely NO threat to the 501 C 3 tax exemption status) and is their obligation to the innocent babies, to their vows, and to the Church to do so.
Publicly - NO support from our California bishops (individually or as a conference) on the 2 most important legislative issues in the next election
Protect Life and Protect Marriage
California Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCC) new 'policy' issued Feb 2008 http://www.cacatholic.org/about/ccc-policy-on-initiatives-circulating-for-signatures.html
CCC Policy on Initiatives Circulating for Signatures
February 2008 There are several initiatives now circulating for signatures. One is known as Sarah’s Law and the other Protect Marriage. The proponents of both efforts hope to qualify their initiatives for the November 2008 California ballot. The California Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCC) strongly supports legislation requiring parental involvement in a minor's abortion and legislation affirming that marriage is only between a man and a woman. That is clear from the Bishops' strong support of these initiatives when they have appeared on the ballot over the past several years. Nevertheless, it is the policy of the Bishops not to formally endorse any initiative until it has actually qualified for the ballot. Individual Catholics who wish to become involved in a signature-gathering campaign are encouraged to do so. The Initiative organizers deeply appreciate the involvement of Catholics in the signature gathering effort. However, signature-gathering can not be done in a parish without the express consent of the bishop of the (arch) diocese as well as the permission of the pastor. (WHY are they not INITIATING THE COLLECTION OF SIGNATURES ON THESE 2 PETITIONS?)To comply with the CCC policy, diocesan Respect Life offices will not be organizing signature-gathering campaigns, nor will they be asking pastors to do so. (THE CCC HAS NO RIGHT TO INSTRUCT THE RESPECT LIFE OFFICES IN INDIVIDUAL DIOCESES. THEIR OFFICE HAS NO CANONICAL AUTHORITY TO DO SO!)If one or both of these initiatives qualify for the ballot, the CCC will provide bulletin announcements and fliers for use in the parishes. Parishes—as well as individual Catholics—will be encouraged to actively support the passage of the initiatives.
For the Conference to dismiss SPECIFICALLY these 2 initiatives, is a disgrace. Also, it is very odd that we had no such policy publicly stated until February of 2008 and the only 2 initiatives mentioned in the policy are Sarah's Law and Protect Marriage. Ned Dolejsi, Director of the California Conference of Catholic Bishops, when asked when, precisely, this became policy for the CCC and was asked for a date and document, his response was, 'that's not germane to the conversation.' - I guess if Ned doesn't want to answer a question, it automatically becomes, 'not germane'.'
Bishop Brown's website seems to encourage legislative participation!
Bishop Brown's websitehttp://www.rcbo.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=147&Itemid=58 (from the site)
'Legislative Advocacy
Catholics are called to use eyes of faith to bring moral convictions to their civic and political life. Faithful citizenship calls believers to measure all candidates, policies, politics, and platforms by the values of Scripture and Catholic Social Teaching. It is our responsibility to keep in mind and heart the life, dignity, and rights of all people, to do what we can to advance the common good, and especially to protect the poor and vulnerable among us. There is more to Faithful Citizenship than voting responsibly. Catholics are called to participate in the continuing political and legislative process.'
So, WHERE ARE THE BISHOPS? The bishops have every right AND OBLIGATION to instruct their pastors and priests to discuss this from the pulpit and to request signatures on these initiatives (Protect Marriage and Sarah's law) and to collect signatures AT THEIR PARISHES and SCHOOLS!But, Bishop Brown, and MOST (if not all) of the California bishops, have not and will not support these signature gathering campaigns. Bishop Brown's Chancellor, Shirl Giacomi, today stated that Bishop Brown will NOT allow HIS pastors/priests/deacons to speak about these issues from the pulpit in homilies, pulpit announcements or bulletin announcements. He has the authority to allow it, and he has said emphatically, 'NO'. He is forbidding them from declaring the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on these issues at this time. When asked if there was any legal, canonical or moral reason the priests COULD NOT speak about these issues from the pulpit, her response was, 'No'. 'We can't get involved with every issue...' , she said. 'We can't use up our resources...' - It doesn't cost a nickel or any volunteers to preach the teachings of the Church from the pulpit nor any funds to put petitions at the back of the church or in the pews with some pens and to request signatures. Or to send them home with school children for their parents and families. Simple, easy, no cost - to save thousands of innocent babies!Again, where are our bishops? (see Bishop Brown's memo/signed on the attached document. text below)
February 15, 2008
Dear Pastors/Administrators,
A new Parental Notification Initiative known as SARAH'S LAW is now gathering signatures to qualify for the November 2008 California ballot. The California Catholic Conference of Bishops (CCC) strongly supports legislation requiring family involvement in a minor's abortion. This is clear from the Bishops' strong support of these Initiatives when they have appeared on the ballot over the past several years. However, it is the policy of the Bishops not to formally endorse any initiative until it has actually qualified for the ballot.
Individual parishioners who wish to become involved in the signature-gathering campaign are encouraged to do so. The Initiative organizers deeply appreciate the involvement of our parishes in the signature gathering effort. Remember---it is up to you to give permission for the collecting of signatures by individuals if you wish to do so. Your Respect Life Representative may contact you for permission. Also please keep in mind the Feb. 6 letter that was sent to you from Father Mike Heher regarding politics in the parish.
To comply with the CCC policy, the diocese will not be organizing signature-gathering campaigns, nor will I be asking pastors to do so. The real push will come when Sarah's Law has qualified for the ballot. At that time, bulletin announcements and flyers will become available from the CCC and parishes will be encouraged to actively support passage of Sarah's Law.
Available in the office now are posters outlining Part III of the USCCB Faithful Citizenship document. The ten goals in Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship are in English and Spanish on 12 x 20 cardstock suitable for hanging in the vestibule or hall. Please contact gdenomie@rcbo.org if you would like to request one.
In Christ our Savior,
Bishop Tod D. Brown
Copy: Bishop Dominic Luong
Shirl Giacomi
But he'll take full advantage of a photo op in San Francisco to display to Catholics in the Diocese (OC CATHOLIC February issue) and probably to the Vatican, an 'active' pro-life stance. http://www.rcbo.org/site/images/stories/occ/feb_08/Page_02_0208.pdf
People who've read the documents know the truth. He has done little to nothing to actually support specific pro-life work or issues. Here's a link to his Respect Life webpage:http://www.rcbo.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=155&Itemid=58 You have to go 4 levels into the website to get this one page that has NO information.
Diocesan Offices - Justice and Peace
Back to >>> Peace and Justice Resources PageThe respect life committee of the Diocese of Orange is part of the social justice deanery. The mission of this organization is to cherish and speak out defending the value of an individuals life from conception to natural death. Organized activities in support of public awareness against the death penalty and peaceful protest against abortion can be viewed at their link.
('Their link' is NOT a link to 'the respect life committee of the Diocese of Orange' nor to 'Organized activities in support of ...' It is a sales page for pro-life cd's from the USCCB.) http://www.usccb.org/prolife/programs/rlp/That's it - no pro-life or anti abortion documents, no activity, no links, not one letter, notice, proclamation (currently on the diocesan website) from this bishop in 8 years. (this issue IS an absolute teaching of the Church). BUT - He HAS extensive documentation on his website on immigration issues. (which are NOT an absolute teaching of the Church)http://www.rcbo.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=147&Itemid=58http://www.rcbo.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=148&Itemid=58http://www.rcbo.org/offices/images/pdfs/peace_justice/Bishops_Letter.pdf
(The Just Faith organization noted on this page, is run by ex- St. Simon and Jude youth instructor, Joyce Cottage. During the Christmas season she wears a sweatshirt that has an image of the nativity scene with the words 'It's a GIRL!' ) http://www.rcbo.org/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=145&Itemid=58(every 'Peace and Justice E Newsletter' (8 of them online) states that Immigration and Ending the Use of the Death Penalty are THE PRIORITY ISSUES SINCE 2006.The newsletters list dozens of meetings and activities and dozens of different parishes over the 11 month period- NONE are pro-life activities NONE!!! in 58 parishes in 12 months. Why? Please call Fr. Michael Heher (Vicar) and B. Dominic Luong (Pro Life Director) and Bishop Tod Brown and ask them WHY ARE THEY NOT ORGANIZING PETITION SIGNING AT EVERY PARISH! If the excuse is 'it's the policy of the CCC..' - THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH. - Millions of babies are being torn apart limb by limb while they do nothing but 'make policy' or 'follow policy'. Call Ned Dolejsi, Director at the CCC and tell them to CHANGE THE POLICY. 916-313-4000 Bishop Stephen Blaire, President of the CCC - 209-466-0636 ANDBishop Brown (and every diocesan ordinary) has complete and specific authority to direct a signature gathering campaign on these issues. BY THE AUTHORITY given him by the Holy Father, as bishop and successor to the apostles. And, as was stated by his chancellor, there is NO LEGAL, CANONICAL or MORAL REASON NOT TO DO THIS. If the excuse is 'we can't get involved in the dozens of issues presented on petitions', we know, of course, that is true. BUT WHEN THERE ARE ONLY 2 that are DIRECTLY RELATED TO ABSOLUTE TEACHINGS of the Roman Catholic Church, it's time for the bishops to act publicly. As he states on his website, 'There IS more to Faithful Citizenship than voting...' Call and tell him you expect HIM to instruct pastors to BEGIN PREACHING AND TEACHING ABOUT THESE 2 PETITIONS AND THAT THEY SHOULD BE SIGNED BY EVERY CATHOLIC during the next 2 weeks.Parochial Vicar Fr. Michael Heher 714-282-3110Bishop Dominic Luong (Pro-Life Spokesman) 714-282-3102 (secr) and 714-282-3103 (B. Luong)Chancellor Shirl Giacomi 714-282-3115 And Bishop Tod Brown 714-282-3106 (or contact your local bishop in the state of California) Please call ALL of them - so that they ALL know that the Catholics in this diocese are concerned about the lack of assistance and direction on these serious matters directly concerning the official and absolute teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. ps -This legislation is vital to the entire country. Please, even if you are outside California, Call these bishops as members of the ONE Catholic Church.Laity/Bishops/Aux Bishops/pastors/priests/deacons/pro-life reps: To get petitions for these 2 initiatives contact these organizations today (deadlines are approaching quickly). Sarah's Law (parental notification for abortion) http://www.friendsofsarah.com/Protect Marriage http://www.protectmarriage.com/
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