At a Mass marking the completion of the 40 Days for Life campaign in Fargo, North Dakota, Bishop Samuel J. Aquila reminded his congregation that no Catholic can vote for someone who supports an intrinsic evil and that all Catholics “will be judged by how we vote.”
“Judgment is real, just as heaven and hell are real,” Bishop Aquila explained during his homily in Fargo yesterday. “When the soul separates from the body and comes before God, we will be judged on how we lived. It’s important to understand the reality of that judgment.”
No matter how any election turns out tomorrow, 2008 will be remembered as a year of victory.
Because what can be more important than the bishops of the Catholic Church bravely teaching the truth of the faith?
The fearless, forthright stand by our bishops (well over 80--I've stopped counting) against any candidate who supports abortion is unprecedented in my lifetime. The social justice teaching of the Church has been articulated by as never before.
What a fitting tribute to the year of St. Paul!
God bless them!
Dear Father,
Thank you for your wonderful blog. What a joy it is when our shepherds articulate the truth. May God leave you among us for many years to come. I have linked to your blog from mine http://www.lesfemmes-thetruth.blogspot.com/ and hope many come to visit you.
Dear Father,
Thank you for your wonderful blog. What a joy it is when our shepherds articulate the truth. May God leave you among us for many years to come. I have linked to your blog from mine http://www.lesfemmes-thetruth.blogspot.com/ and hope many come to visit you.
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