Sunday, July 29, 2007

Around the Catholic Web . . .

Amy over at "Open Book" has a beautiful post: "Religion: a Test of Faith"

A sample:

"Christians as individuals betray Christ on a daily basis. Christian institutions do, as well, in small and great ways . . . This is not (as long time readers know) to suggest quiescence or acceptance of sin. It's simply to acknowledge a reality that is as old as the first Pope, huddled in the courtyard, denying Christ by the light of a fire. "

Read the whole thing.

And Quintero over at "LA Catholic" has a beauty, too: "Journalist Chris Weinkopf's Beauriful Tribute to Catholic Priests."

A sample:

"As for the rest of us, with so many bad priests garnering so much attention at the moment, I'd like to say a special thanks to the many, many, good priests who selflessly give of themselves to serve others. The ones who spent their weekends bringing Holy Communion to the sick and dying in hospitals, or sitting in hot confessionals ministering to their flocks; the ones who bring credit to the Church and to God."

Read the whole thing.

Posted by Gibbons (while Fr. John is on retreat).

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