"Chocolates, hearts, flowers...and condoms. Must be Valentine's Day! Okay, so a condom isn't a part of everyone's Valentine's Day. But since the condom first hit the world many thousands of years ago, it has protected millions of people from infection and prevented untold numbers of unintended pregnancies. Not too bad, eh? And Valentine's Day is the first day of National Condom Week, so it's a great time to remind family, friends, and romantic partners about just how fantastic condoms are."
A friend of ours forwarded us the above email from Planned Parenthood. She commented:
"Planned Parenthood offers sooooooooooo much to women - don't they. What a sweet sentiment for St. Valentine's Day - 'I love you honey but put this on because I know that you are probably as cheap as I am and have slept with scores of women. Could you pass me a chocolate? BTW - should we go to a movie tonight or the talk on STDs?'"
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