From Catholic News Agency:
"Oregon health plan covers assisted suicide, not drugs, for cancer patient"
"Eugene, Jun 6, 2008 / 01:09 am .- An Oregon woman suffering from lung cancer was notified by the state-run Oregon Health Plan that their policy would not cover her life-extending cancer drug, telling her the health plan would cover doctor-assisted suicide instead.
Barbara Wagener discovered her lung cancer had recurred last month, the Register-Guard said. Her oncologist prescribed a drug called Tarceva, which could slow the cancer growth and extend her life.
The Oregon Health Plan notified Wagner that it would not cover the drug, but it would cover palliative care, which it said included assisted suicide."
Thanks be to God, Ms. Wagner's doctor appealed to Genentech, the drug's US distributer, and they will cover the drug treatment for a year, after which she can re-apply for the drug.
This is the "compassion" we keep hearing about from the advocates of assisted suicide. Remember, in California AB 2747, which will attempt to establish "voluntary stopping of eating and drinking" as a medical option, has already passed the Assembly and is now before the California Senate.
To find out more about AB 2747, and how to oppose it, visit Catholics for the Common Good.
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